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Everything posted by Palos

  1. Palos

    when will castle wolfenstein be released?

    Someone here actually dared compare this crappy a$$ mp demo with Counterstrike!!! Dude...I would reconsider that.
  2. Palos

    Best Space Game Ever?

    Yep Clutch...you had the 2600 too? Atari ruled... I was looking at the Commodore 64 like i'm looking at a 4way Hammer now (if there is a 4way config, lol)!
  3. Palos

    Q3 in WinXP; is this par for the course?

    20 FPS for US$200? No thanks...
  4. Palos

    Best Space Game Ever?

    X-Wing (the original, not vs. TieFighter) Or how about Elite, does anyone remember that? A huge hit for the 286 platform
  5. Palos

    DeCSS legalized !

    Now we might finally get a decent application for DVD playback in Linux
  6. Palos

    NT/2000/XP Hidden Feature

    More confusion...I mentioned only one ping, where did you come up with two? lol And of course, the "ping -t" has to be send to some machine, not necessarly yours. So...you don't need to send the actual Ping of Deth (out of boundaries octal) to the remote machine in order to phuck up your own. It can be as simple as "ping -t www.whatever.net" and while it's running (thats what the -t is for, so it doesn't die after 4 packets) press F7/ENTER
  7. Palos

    Why xp doesn't like my Athlon?

    Yo wildcock, how about you tell us how your system looks like (inside out), maybe then we can help you better...mobo type and BIOS version too...
  8. Palos

    RAM Leaking

    Hi there, I have 512MB Samsung PC2100 DDR RAM (CAS2.5) and after W2K startup I end up with around 438 MB free. That's all nice and dandy, but last night I noticed that after installing some dodgy ASPI drivers and Fireburner 2.1 (i think latest version), I ended up with 218 MB free. After rebooting, I fired up my DSL connection, started an FTP client, and I had again around 220 MB free...something is eating up my resources, and I can't figure out what. Any bright ideas, anyone?
  9. Palos

    RAM Leaking

    Thanks man but it doesn't do it anymore...I guess it was caused by the new version of Fireburner, that generates an error upon exit (sum runtime error bug). So everybuddy out there be careful with it! At least I'm inclined to think this...however I cannot explain why it did the same thing even after I rebooted and did not run the program. Hmm...
  10. Palos

    NT4 Startmenu Delay

    Hey Eks, have you tried #ntcompatible on Undernet? hrhrhrhrr... Don't even think about flaming on this one
  11. Palos

    GF2 Pro: Resolved

    Ya mon, I hear'ya...I know the feeling of wiping out poor C: and installing from scratch when you have all your stuff on D: (or E,F,G,H or even I Actually I have no feelings when I wipe it off, muhahhaah. The sad part is when your Floppy fails, lol...happened to me, there was no way I could boot, I had to wait a whole weekend till Monday to raid the damn hardware store for a new floppy drive. Now that's a feeling I don't wish anyone
  12. Palos

    Error Message when trying to install WinXp

    Yes, it could be the processor. I have a TBird @ 1333 MHz, not overclocked, but the heatsink was placed like shite, and it ran at 69 Celsius after 10 minutes. Got plenty of VxD errors, couldn't even install from CD. First I thought it was a RAM problem (primary cause for VxD errors), but then I narrowed it to the heatsink.
  13. Palos

    NT/2000/XP Hidden Feature

    Clutch, sorry man but I think u got things mixed up. The Ping of Deth is, according to insecure.org: "Description: gazillions of machines can be crashed by sending IP packets that exceed the maximum legal length (65535 octets) " That has nothing to do with crashing your OWN machine with the F7/ENTER key combination... Correct me if I'm wrong
  14. Palos

    Undeletable Files?

    Wasn't overwriting data with 0s called low level formatting? And one more thing: for all of you paranoids out there, use Linux...it already has an encrypted filesystem available.
  15. Palos


    I guess it's not XP compatible...tough luck.
  16. I have an idea, and I think it would work out for both the software houses and the customers. (Im thinking exclusively M$ here): why the hell are we supposed to PAY to betatest an OS???? Why aren't the goddamn Beta builds free for download on the Internet. They can build a timebomb in them, I really don't mind that...they ARE intended for testing purposes after all. When the final Build comes out, it will be much more patched up and out of bugs than in the current states, just because there were more betatesters involved. Hell, if M$ only looks on this board they will get a better overview of their OS... However, I don't think they are really interested in reading bug reports coming from bogus betatesters, i.e war3z 0wn3r5 Just look how bugs are killed in the Open Source world, someone finds it, posts it on some newsgroup, hell he/she can get in touch with the developer himself to solve the problem. And then, MAYBE, the Microsoft OSes are worth the money that M$ is asking for...
  17. Palos

    RAM Leaking

    Yea, duhh, that was the first thing i did...there is no app or service reporting the missing RAM.
  18. Palos

    Errors (Again)!!!!!!!

    Try *****ing at the Cakewalk support hotline Or try to update your soundcard drivers while waiting on hold...
  19. Palos

    SBLIVE VALUE drivers in winXP

    Wait for the official LiveWare for XP, or I think there is a way to install some leaked SBLive drivers on XP. I use a 2 digital speaker setup, so Im not bothered with quadophonic sound...What I like about XP is that I can use both the Digital and Analog outputs simultaneously, with the default XP drivers (in W2K i need LiveWare to do that).
  20. Palos

    it just sits there

    Use Partition Magic to resize your 2.5 Gig partition to 2 Gb
  21. Palos

    Been to Best Buy Lately?

    You're right Frankie...It just makes you wonder when some huge business like Dell, or Gateway warn everyone about future market losses (basically they forecast they'll sell less). Let's just say that this could be an effect of the average Joe Bloggs (UK) (John Doe US!) having more knowledge over computers than yesterday. Lol, basically he figures out that you come out much cheaper if you put together your own system rather than buying some ready made, OEM stinking package. I hope that the big guns will soon learn NOT to subestimate the power of knowledge of the consumers. The days when computers were seldom and costed a fortune are over. You still find sad cases of salespeople ripping poor customers off, but you can be sure that once they realise, they will never step foot in their sad-a$$ store AGAIN.
  22. Palos

    Been to Best Buy Lately?

    I live in Yurop...no Circuit City or BestBuy here When I was in the US I couldn't find a simple Internet Cafe, so I went to Kinko's, lol.
  23. Palos

    Win2000 System Freeze

    I had problems also with that card...plus the sound quality sucked, it popped and skipped all the time, even in game intros, or fmv sequences...I sold it.
  24. Palos

    Big internet problem

    You need to take a lot of time to configure it and make the appropriate firewall rules. As a better firewall solution, I recommend the Tiny Personal Firewall...
  25. Palos

    3D Studio Max R3.1

    Have you tried the #ntcompatible on Undernet?