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Everything posted by Palos

  1. Palos

    Asus P2B ACPI problems

    Sideeffects? None really...only that you will be able to control your IRQs as you want, instead of having them pooled under #9 (for example) Personally I really dont use the suspend-to-ram or the hibernate options, they are kinda gay I prefer to shutdown and boot old fashioned. If one bit in the memory contents gets corrupted, then you can forget about a complete restore out of STR or hibernation...your call. For stability and troubleshooting issues, ACPI is definately a no-go.
  2. Palos


    BrianFrank...Windows 2000 has been released for ages now and it still has driver problems. The problem lies with both Microsoft AND the other manufacturers. On one hand M$ does not release the API, on the other hand the manufacturers are doing a LOUSY job at writing new drivers or modifying old ones. Manufacturers have all the time in the world to design the compatible drivers, since they can work closer with M$ even in the beta stages of an OS. They have NO EXCUSE in my opinion not to have 2000 (or XP) drivers available on the day the new OS hits the shelves. Even a week or two later would be okay, but more than that should raise some question marks...see HP
  3. Palos

    Plextor 12/10/32A Burning strangely

    What software are you using to burn? I know that for example CDRWin and Nero are conflicting because of ASPI layers.
  4. Im going to describe this exactly, so bare with me for a second! Installed RC2 (2526) on my Athlon PC a week ago, system ran fine, with no problems whatsoever. I did a clean install of 2600 a few days ago, with 2 pieces of new hardware added: a second 8139 Network card and a 256 MB PC266 Samsung/Hyundai DIMM. First occurence of the BSOD in the setup process (DriverIRQ not less or equal). I cold rebooted, tried to install again, it worked. System ran for about 48h without problems until SUDDENLY got the same BSOD. Rebooted, but i could not even log myself in, due to "authentication problems". I was locked out of my system! I wiped out the C partition (format C, fdisk /mbr), and tried to install W2K. During the setup process I had problems with copying the files(!?) from the setup cd, such situation i never had before. I thought it was a bad DIMM, i moved it to another slot, and windows installed and booted w/o problems (no file errors on copying this time!). PC ran for another day or so, and last night i installed WinGate (proxy software) to share my internet connection. After reboot, i got the SAME BSOD everytime at the same point (after half way on the scrolling indicator in the W2K bootscreen). Now comes the interesting part: I removed the new DIMM and the second NIC and i still had the BSOD at boottime! I booted safe mode, removed WinGate and system booted OK, installed the DIMM and the NIC again sytem was OK again. Can anyone explain what is happening here?? Anyone has the slightest idea what may cause this? I thought it might be the second DDR DIMM but i ruled it out since i got the same BSOD even w/o it. ----------------------------------------------------- System Spex: AthlonC @ 1333, EPOX 8KHA DDR Mobo, 512 MB DDRAM, Asus V7100 Deluxe GeForce2 MX400 TVout, Maxtor 20GB ATA100 5400 RPM, SB Live! XGamer, Pioneer 16x DVD, LiteOn 1201B CDRW, 2x Realtek 8139 10/100 NICs.
  5. Palos

    CounterStrike v1.0 under W2K...

    Hi peoples, Lets put it the short way: IT CRASHES! Regardless of the renderer type, screen resolution, bitdepth, FSAA, Creative EAX on/off, DirectSound on/off, etc...I have all the patches available: the viaagp1.sys from AMD, SP1 for W2K, the memory registry hacks from geforce faq and AMD, the application update from M$.....u name it. My system: A7V w/Promise ATA100 onboard, Thunderbird 700 (no o/c), 192 MB SDRAM PC133 (set to CAS3 in BIOS), ASUS V6600 Deluxe (GeForce 256 w/64 Mb SDR), SB Live! X-Gamer w/Liveware 3 for W2K, 20 GB Maxtor UDMA5 HDD, Elsa Microlink 56k USB, Realtek 8139 FastEthernet, Epson Stylus Color 580 USB, the usual mouse and monitor... I have the 1004D BIOS on my A7V, with Normal settings (AGP 2x by default, and CAS3 RAM), 128 MB AGP Aperture, NVidia official 6.31 drivers. Counterstrike seems to lock up at random times during the game, system does not respond, the screen becomes a screenshot, the footstep sound loops over and over and the only way out is a cold reset. What could it be???
  6. Palos

    MSN Explorer

    People, it is all about the "features", "user friendliness" and "usability" VS Security and Privacy. Since I work in the industry I can tell you that the trend seems to be to deliver more personalized content over the web. In order to do that, imagine how many things the provider needs to know about you so they (the software actually) can deliver the content YOU want to have... On the other hand, with all this personal information being sent in the open, the real "crime" starts when the holder of the information is using it without the knowledge and consent of the owner (ie-Ads). That is the official saying anyways...if you ask me, nobody and nothing should fetch the information from my PC in the first place (without my consent).
  7. Palos

    SCSI Cd Writer

    "The information burnt into CD's about maximum speed is only present on CD-RW's. IE, if you get a 4X CD-RW it wont let you burn any faster" --------------------------------------- Bladeruner, I am afraid that doesn't make sense at all dude...r u trying to tell us that the burning speed of a CDR/RW is being read from a table written on the actual CDR ?????!! If I get a 4x CD-RW it won't burn any faster because it's physically limited, not because the Calibration Area on the CDRW tells it so... Maybe I misunderstood ur statement after all..........follow up with a more articulate reply this time.
  8. Palos

    Popup Windows

    Oh well, at least we know what kind of websites u hang around, eh?
  9. Palos

    SCSI Cd Writer

    Actually, on second thoughts: did u use the same CDR brand for a while? CDs have information written on them that instructs the CDR Drive how to adjust the laser power. I used to get that error too (Power calibration area error). In other words, it happens when u try to burn a 6x certified CDR at 8x or 12x (and a cheap brand too). Try different types of media as well...silver, gold layered (not Brand-wise)
  10. Palos

    SCSI Cd Writer

    I had the same problem with a Ricoh MP9060A drive (DVD/CDR/RW combo)...9 out of 10 cds were coasters. Try to disable autorun, check for firmware updates, check Adaptec's site for the latest ASPI drivers (including the ASPI Check utility), make sure the SCSI chain is terminated properly, try burning at lower speed too, or try making an image on the HDD first. If all those fail, go get urself a new drive, pal.
  11. Palos

    CounterStrike v1.0 under W2K...

    No I havent experimented with different driver builds, leaked or genuine. Guys, what the hell, the original released Detonator 3 drivers (6.31) should work, shouldn't they?? That's why they release them, right? Anyways, the freezing happens both in OpenGL and DirectX, and I might add that it seems to me that it dies more quickly in OpenGL than DirectX. Also, did any of you had the problem with the menu screen still being shown in the top left corner after a map was loaded and it shows the map info and terrorist/counter team menus. If you "escape" and "resume" it goes away! Happens in OpenGL only though.... BTW, it just hit me...what version of DirectX is included by default in W2K? Cos I didn't update it yet!
  12. Palos

    CounterStrike v1.0 under W2K...

    Damn, I just noticed I posted in the wrong forum....doesn't matter tho, the situation wouldn't change
  13. Palos


    "What? How do i do that? As i said, i have automatic reboot DISABLED" --------------------------------------------- Dude, either u know or u don't know what u're doing! Obviously u get an error and the system reboots automatically, so u don't have the pleasure of seeing the BSOD. It can happen randomly, a good guess would be a KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error...give us details about ur machine: CPU/Video overclocking, Mobo type, AGP speed, RAM CAS, etc....
  14. U have write cache enabled? Are the HDDs SCSI or IDE? (Or FibreChannel by any chance?)
  15. Palos

    Running startup applications in order...

    U know...most people here are concerned about having LESS applications starting up at boot, but hey, I guess u might have a strong reason! First of all, can they be configured to run as services, or just simple "startup folder" kinda apps?
  16. Palos

    MSN Explorer

    It searches for all the pirated software (Microsoft and other) that u might have installed, along with other *****, **** and DivX ;-) movies...it also fetches your private FTP ***** accounts from ANY FTP client u might have installed, checks them and reports them to the Bureau. Once the Matrix agents downloaded everything they needed for their personal use, they will hunt you down. May the force be with you my friend! -------------------------------------------- PS - U had a choice: to install or NOT to install MSN Explorer...now u suffer the consequences
  17. Palos


    Funny thing I used to get that too with my old TNT2 card. I had an ALi Alladin V Socket 7 mobo, and that was my cause...dunno about yours. Try setting your AGP to 2x and use the 3.xx driver series, I found them the most stable from the lot. Once again, I had an Alladin V mobo
  18. I guess u're right CUViper...I assumed that they kept the same techniques from NT4. Thats a good thing to know, tho...damn, gotta pick up my dusty M$ literature
  19. Okay peoples...once and for all let this problem be solved! I had trouble myself till recently installing W2K on an ATA100 drive hooked up as the single HDD in the system (Thunderbird 700, bla, bla...). The problems will be solved if you follow these steps: - Put the W2K Promise drivers from the ASUS mobo CD on a floppy. - Have the immortal boot floppy ready with CD ROM support. - Boot from floppy... - Switch to the I386 directory on the W2K cd and run WINNT.EXE - Go have a coffee or get laid till the transfer is done, and the box will reboot. - Insert the Promise Driver floppy and select 'Windows 2000....' from the bootmenu - Press F6 to use a 3rd party driver disk - From now on just follow the menu...nothing unusual should happen. ============================================= Notes: I still don't know why, but the drivers from the ASUS and PROMISE websites didn't work on the 'F6' portion of the setup. Maybe someone will have some time to waste and do some permutations of the variables involved in this setup (with or without the I386 copying, with or without the original ASUS drivers, etc....). Hope this post will help!!
  20. The short answer is NO! It has nothing to do with the ACPI or anything else. The key lies in the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) which is the first thing that is detected at setup. If your machine did NOT have more than 1 CPU when u installed Windows, then u cannot change the HAL on-the-fly. You can however go the other way, install the multiprocessor HAL and take the 2nd CPU out later for example. You will need to reinstall to make use of the 2nd CPU
  21. Palos

    Can't recieve from FTPs!

    Possibly u are behind a firewall...in which case the FTP client will say that it could not 'establish data connection'. THis usually happens to FTP ports other than 21. Even with port 21 open for traffic on the firewall u might get problems cos there will be other ports in use during an FTP transfer that are probably closed for you.
  22. Palos

    A7V Promise 100 & W2K Solution...

    Before I forget Drop by #NTCompatible on UNDERNET if you need to have your questions answered in no time, or just for da hell of it Greetz go to: YuppieScum, Ekstreme, Quazimodo & Fire
  23. Palos

    How to...W2KPro with 2 NT4 Domains

    Depends what you undestand by "domain". The Microsoft idea of domain is different than the usual networking domain concept. If there are two MS domains, then you have to have a trust relationship between them. Tell me more details first...
  24. Palos

    Win2K Problems!

    Looks like DirectX support in the V3 drivers sucks. Quake runs either in OpenGL or native Voodoo GLIDE mode, it's usually faster than TNTs in DirectX for example.
  25. Palos

    CD-R problems

    Is there a patch that enables version 3 to run under w2k, or recognize your CDR?? If not, then move to the 2000 compliant version