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Everything posted by Palos

  1. If u can boot into Linux,just type "lilo -U" and the shell prompt...it will uninstall lilo from ur MBR. This is the first step if u wanna get rid of Linux in multiboot as well
  2. OOPS! I mean the G400/W2K combo
  3. You might have problems with the Matrox card...look around for issues and stuff. I heard many ppl complain about the Matrox/G400 combo
  4. Palos

    "Stutter" in Win2000 Pro

    Disable ACPI either in BIOS or Device Manager...
  5. Palos

    ICQ2000a beta - Memory Issue...

    I got a weird one...with 2000a it takes around 12 MB RAM...but i tried to install 99b and it didn't want to run!! Gave me a debug error (i tried 99b before 2000a)... go figure...
  6. Palos

    soldier of fortune and maybe win2k

    I beat the game under NT logged as administrator...didn't crash ONCE. Why should that be different under w2k?
  7. Palos


    It usually happens with buggy video drivers; i don't know how it is with Matrox, but with TNT2 i used to get a lot of similar problems. Did u get all the AGP/Busmastering patches for your mobo?
  8. You are using most probably the ACPI functions... Disable ACPI under DeviceManager/Computer...or do it in the BIOS
  9. Palos

    20.5 Deskstar ignoring ATA/66?

    Is ur PC running as ACPI or Standard mode? I noticed that in ACPI, all my IRQs were messed up...
  10. Palos

    Help! Win2000 won't load

    Are u using a warez copy by any chance?
  11. Here u go: http://www.ali.com.tw/eng/support/driver.shtml Can this be the solution for the infamous W2K/Ali Alladin V/TNT combo??? Reply with your reviews after trying the new driver...thanks.
  12. Man, from the devices u got, only the CDR seems to be SCSI. The Seagate 4.3 Gb i'm not sure they make a SCSI version...well, if they're all SCSI, then my bad Anyways, try this: leave a cdrom in your CDR and reboot (warm or cold, doesn't matter). After logon, it will say "establishing network connections", then u should hear your CDR spin up...after that, you should be able to see your drive and access the cd... I know it sounds idiotic, but that's how i "fixed" the SCSI problem i had (sounds same as yours). Keep us updated... By the way, reboot normally (with the cd in the drive), not in safe mode...
  13. Palos

    win2k more help hehe

    <marquee>Say that again?!</marquee>
  14. Palos

    NTFS advantages?

    I wouldn't recommend using NTFS on the primary partition in case u want to get rid of W2K (NT). It'll be a pain in the ass to convert it back to FAT/FAT32...plus your DOS bootdisks won't even let u see the NTFS partition
  15. Palos

    Whats the dif with Advanced Server & Pro

    Adv.Server takes up more memory due to all the services it needs to run (networking specific). It also supports more processors out of the box than Pro. The kernels are basically the same (NT based), and of course, last but not least, there is the couple thousand $$ more....
  16. Palos

    NTFS & format c dos commands

    If u use a Windows 9x boot disk, u will NOT be able to even see the NTFS partition. You will NOT be able to run Partition Magic's DOS binaries if u use that boot disk. If u have PMagic emergencies floppies, u're in luck...if not, tough
  17. Palos

    Which cd r/w to get?

    Man, for $300 back in January u could have got a DVD-R kit from Creative! 4.7 GB capacity...i guess that could be cheaper by now...look into it!
  18. Palos

    Realtek card & hibernation

    Hibernation and ACPI rarely work in W2K. I have seen very few people who reported flawless ACPI support and no BSODs at shutdown... Very few people indeed...
  19. Palos

    W2K Server DHCP bug !!

    I just read this one on the net yesterday. It seems that due to a bug, W2K Server cannot allocate more than 51 IP addresses using DHCP. It's quite sad...M$ spent 2 weeks trying to reproduce the issue, and when they finally figured it out, they decided to call it an "issue", not a "bug". Well done, Microsoft...
  20. Palos

    DHCP client in Windows 2000

    It seems like a very serious bug has been uncovered in W2K. You cannot allocate more than 51 IP addresses using DHCP...i just saw this one on the net yesterday, and it was shocking. M$ took 2 weeks to reproduce the bug, and it calls it an "issue" not a "bug". Lamers....
  21. Palos

    busmastering win2k?

    Did u check if there are any VIA busmastering drivers? Is the UDMA mode set in the BIOS? Even *auto* would do, since it will enable it if your HD supports it...
  22. Palos

    MP3 Ripping

    Musicmatch Jukebox 5.x It rips at high speed and good quality...depending on ur CDROM...
  23. Palos

    ie5 crashed w2k .is that possible?

    IE5 crashed my PC as well, more than once. I was clicking on a link for example, and it did nothing...tried twice, three times, and my PC just rebooted...no BSOD, nothing! I switched to 98, which gave me problems after a while with IE5.01 (IE instances spawned out of nowhere, eating up my resources), so finally i switched to NT and Netscape Thank God that only IE2 is bundled with NT. Lame Adaptec EasyCD Creator 4.0 needs IE5 (?!) so forget that too... An advice for u: reinstall IE5 that comes on any MS cd (like Office2000) or dload from the web...that fixed my problem (for a while)
  24. Palos

    Multiboot programs ?

    Well, it all depends on your choice of bootloaders. You can either edit the NT loader to include all 2 OSes, or u can use LILO...there is a catch to the order u install all these OSes. I suggest first should have been W98, then Linux, then W2K.
  25. There is a big chance that the Diamond drivers are based on the nvidia drivers anyways...nobody cares to develop their own. TNT speeds (cl/mem) range from 125/140 to 153/180 (ultra)...you can fiddle yourself with these settings, an few MHz here and there will be safe without need for extra cooling...You might want to try an Elsa Erazor III Pro, they're good quality, but if you want performance, go for the ErazorX2 DDR ...it'll make u drool