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Everything posted by Th3-Jud1c4t0r

  1. Th3-Jud1c4t0r

    DirectCD in Win2k

    Since we are on the subject of CD-R/RW Software. What works "out-of-the-box" for Win2k, that's good? I've heard that Nero, Fireburner, and CDRwin are all good. I do use CD Copier Deluxe and it's Great! But I'd like to open the horizons a little, especially with Win2000. Thanks. ------------------ Th3 Jud1c4t0r
  2. Th3-Jud1c4t0r

    Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.0

    Will ECC 4.0 work as a FRESH install? (I haven't finished downloading it yet). Or will I have to get yet another patch? Thanks. Th3 Jud1c4t0r
  3. Th3-Jud1c4t0r

    Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.0

    Aight. Cool. Where do I get the new ASPI drivers though?
  4. Th3-Jud1c4t0r

    Half-Life Mappting in Win2k - WorldCraft

    Where can I get WorldCraft Updates?? Thanks. Th3 Jud1c4t0r P.S. I mispelled "mapping". ;( [This message has been edited by Th3-Jud1c4t0r (edited 06 February 2000).]