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About jurgen

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  1. jurgen

    moving winnt folder

    I would like to move my winnt folder from drive E: to c: to make make it easier to back up the OS with ghost. What do I need to do and still be able to boot? Jurgen
  2. jurgen

    Large Maxtor HD

    I found out about the thread on deja to late. I returned the drive to best buy. One interesting thing I observed was that 2000 installed a raid device which had the same resources as the ide port. This whole thing still suprises me I would have thought that a hard drive was a hard drive and would not have given such grief. I almost bought a Western Digital drive after I returned the Maxtor but I had had enough. Jurgen
  3. jurgen

    Large Maxtor HD

    I had a working dual boot 98/2000 with a 10 gig IBM and 10 gig Maxtor HD. I thought I would give 2000 a bit more room so I bought a 27 gig Maxtor HD to replace the IBM. I partioned the new HD and ghosted the IBM drive to the new HD. Tried to boot 2000 and got inaccessible boot drive. Two days later after destroying a lot of data I made the 10 gig drive the boot drive and was able to boot 2000. Howerever 2000 was unable to read the new drive, while 98 was able to. As near as I can tell 2000 is not reading the same disk geometry as 98 is. It show up as a 8 gig drive. Any ideas on a solution. Jurgen