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Everything posted by DragonLord

  1. DragonLord


    Hmmm...I just recently removed the IBM CS430 USB camera (also no drivers) as well. Perhaps it was not th Zip drive! Do you have any USB devices attached without proper/working drivers. My Zip drive works fine now, with or without a disk in the drive, so perhaps it is the camera/USB after all.
  2. DragonLord


    dost thou possess a SCSI Zip drive from Iomega? I was getting this for a while. Believe it or not, it seemed to make a difference whether I had a disk in the Zip drive or not, whether this bug occurred. It only happened at shutdown, and only after installing the new Iomega software. Now, I could be dreaming, but keeping the disk out of the Zip drive when I shutdown, ended the error for me. Good luck.
  3. DragonLord

    Intel Create & Share Pro camera drivers...

    Somebody put a note up on this site that says the CS430 works under Win2000. I hope they post details if they had to do something special, because it sure as hell doesn't work without drivers. :}
  4. DragonLord

    Anyone break the 24hr uptime barrier yet?

    My system was very similar to yours and was bombing just as frequently. But, upon installing those lovely Dell SBLive drivers with the universal .inf, it has been damn near bulletproof. I had a game failure yesterday, but I am sure that was DX7/ Unreal Tournament-related. afew more revs of the geforce and sblive drivers and I hope to reach nirvana!
  5. DragonLord

    TNT2 Drivers w/ different TNT2 Cards: SURVEY

    I had the same problem, because I started with older drivers, v3.68. Connecting a different (smaller res) monitor to my system allowed me to change resolutions and fix the problem. For me, the problem was a weird low-refresh rate that my 21" Hitachi 801 wouldn't handle. Once I got to change the settings to something more zesty, everything worked fine. Hope that does it for you! :}