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Everything posted by tylau

  1. tylau

    Radeon 9000 Pro

    ATI hasnt got things in the mod range to compete with Nvidia, true their 9700PRO is great on every aspect, but with the price tag and early adoption problems, there still need something like 9500/PRO king of offering for the mid range, to say compete with the TI4200 kind of thing, as the current 9000PRO is not really up to the level of G4 TI level. AFAIK, current TI4200 boards are starting to use the A3 stepping of the G4 TI core, which technically speaking is the same core of the TI4600, just pick some good board and power design offer, and you are in for a bargain TI4600.
  2. tylau

    AMD rejects nForce 2

    Huh...UH..When I got myself eyes covered, I could get what I wanted by tossing a coin, about 5 out of ten times.
  3. Why would you still need to get one? There are convertor for BNC around already.
  4. tylau

    Strange poweron problem with abit mobo...

    Try another CPU fan
  5. tylau

    Sb Live! - Driver

    I havent had this problem though. But chances are you could try to reduce the PCU latency of your mobo in BIOS.
  6. tylau

    Program to large to run in memory!!!

    Or poor coded DOS freaky subject ;(
  7. tylau

    Email Viruses

    For XML capable email, it is possible to be infect by just viewing an email without running any files attached. But, there is still a last line of defense, since you saw something coming in with unknown or suspicious header info(and possible subject and senders), you could just exit immediately the email program, goes offline promptly, reopen the eamil program, then manual delete the email by using a right click on the item, without open it, you can then connect to the net again to perform such offline operation, Outlook is able to delete it without even download it beforehand. Check also the leave mail on server after download is cleared in internet option in windows also.
  8. tylau

    Best Email client?

    The one used by most. :x
  9. tylau

    AMD Athlon XP 2700+ & 2800+ with 333FSB

    No, I wont, at least not at near future. 333MHZ FSB means 166MHZ physical frequency for the host system; and the industry is not yet prepared for that, since INTEL has just got their 133MHZ host system out on 845PE and 845G. The problem of stability looming on an unprepared industry, that AMD knows and so reluctant to kick out their 333MHZ part
  10. tylau

    Ok best anti-virus for WinXP?

    You could use MMC to define email attachement execution restrictions, in addition to antivirus control ms-its:C:\WINDOWS\help\SAFERconcepts.chm::/SRP_check_k.htm It is in some way superior to antivirus program, IMHO.
  11. HAHA, if they dare to admitt it is a problem of windows SP1, why didnt they admitt it much earlier Have you ever receive some others emails of different identity in OE, I mean pre SP1, yet to happen in SP1 since they admitt something though not on the security side
  12. tylau

    USB keyboard loves my Event Log

    The fact that some of the motherboard cant really turns off PS/2 ports even if they are not use might have caused all of these, try looking inot the mobo BIOS and see if there is an item for turning off the PS/2 and release IRQ12, that might do it. I use to think PS/2 is a 'basic instinct' of the OS in win9X, it is somehow still true for XP
  13. tylau

    HELP! Lost XP Admin password :(

    All is not last yet, if you havent have turned on the encryption feature of NTFS5, your data should still be accesible although it would require reinstalltion of XP
  14. It would need to restart OE every time you do this in order to access another identity I dont think this is a bug actaully, rather some form of security integrity.
  15. tylau

    Best Motherboard for AMD Athlon if possible

    Wonder what does stable means, perhaps I could loop a benchmark for hours and it happens to die on me when I play a new one, what is stable's true nature.
  16. MS could potentially at her discretion do anything to the "DO" version of the corp. XP, just looking at recently what it does when you hit that start menu item called 'windows update' 1. It invoke the program called wupdmgr.exe, which pull a windowsupdate.asp webpage from MS V4 server(at least for my testing version of XP) 2. The .ASP page then download a cabinet file called IUctl.cab onto your machine. 3. wupdmgr.exe checks the updated verions of two dll files called IUctl.dll and IUengine.dll against the versions in your machine. 4. wupdmgr.exe will update any version older than build 1106 of these two files to build 1106. 5. wupdmgr.exe with these two dll files would then pull another webpage called GETMANIFEST.ASP which checks many things, including serial key/productID combinations on the target machine. 6. wupdmgr.exe refuse to update windows it pirated version(such as DO) found(at present), and close all dll and wupdmgr.exe The funny part is when such procedures are carried out pre 9/9/2002 which is the release date of the XPSP1, MS still slips in the SP1 version(1106) of the files IUctl.dll and IUengine.dll What MS could do is at anytime if she wish, slips in bew versions of IUctl.cab(hence IUctl.dll and IUengine.dll) onto a machine which requesting the windows updates. So, the lesson to be learn here is stop using the DO version totally, or never hit 'windows update' against if you insist on keep testing the DO. Cos, MS might have already investigated and data pooled the pirate keys in PreSP1 era, only to be use in a later stage at her discretion, such as diabling the XP installation or otherwise. Be aware.
  17. Over these few weeks there are occasions that when I was surfing over the net, a pop-up window with the title "Security Warning" and shows nothing within that window was shown. I was really felling peculier when I saw that one the first time, since I cant read anything whtin that message window and the window was posed to be coming from some sort of MS site. But since I check out that I have enabled the ad-blocking feature within my norton internet security program, the window which actually contains an ad picture was naturally block by my firewall and hence didnt show up in the window, but the funny part is the title of the window is still there. 8)
  18. The ad-blocking function was set to be enabled in Internet Security, but ads are keeping poping under; I cant remember at what time they start to pop over, I must have changed some settings unintentionally, phew..
  19. tylau

    XP SP#1 fixes this, but DO take a read SECURITY HOLE

    If you try and open the file C:\Windows\PCHEALTH\HELPCTR\SYSTEM\DFS\uplddrvinfo.htm in IE6 you will found that it use some sort of ActiveX control; and if you try to diable activeX in the internet zone security setting, then this should be no issue at all, only those allow ActiveX control and plugins in their internet zone are open to vandals like that.
  20. tylau

    xp pro disk space problem...

    It is only w9X that has the 2.1GB file size limit, AFAIK, not the FAT32 issue. You can create a partition over about 63.8GB limit, but not with FDISK, using some 3rd party utitlities such as ghost, disk manager, etc, would do the trick.
  21. tylau

    Windows XP power managenent problem

    This is a common issue with overclocked FSB, try using a lower FSB and see if the problem gone.
  22. Search for ProductID, you will got it there, it is truncated from your serial key by means of some sort of highlord mathematics
  23. tylau

    Speed up Luna, what available?

    Well, after XP installation I found that my Geforce 2 is perform badly in the new Luna interface, try some tweakings, stll not much improvement, I have turn off some animations and even try tweaking it to max performance setting, the 2D desktop still isnt up to the level of w9X/2k kind of speed. I really dont want to turn off Luna, and wonder of any acceleration is available now? Thank you. :x
  24. tylau

    Speed up Luna, what available?

    Hmmm......I have ever met girly that do make-up by using their brain power. Pretty is good but as long as it is not performance hindered, and not hindered by unncessities, IMO.
  25. tylau

    Nothing works on USB ports in XP...please help

    After a second read it seems that you could possibly try to relocate the device to thr root hub of USB, it might help.