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Everything posted by tylau

  1. tylau

    Strange bootup HDD scan !?

    OK, I just got that ME installed Toshiba 2800 notebook and on reboots, some occasional times it happens that ME prompt me that the notebook wasnt shutdown properly and started the HDD scan on its own, in fact it was the case on previous shut down. Is there anyone has similar problem, and what has went wrong. IMHO, WinME is only for notebooks,....
  2. tylau

    Strange bootup HDD scan !?

    Oh, ....in fact it wasnt the case on previuos shut down...
  3. tylau

    CAV CD-R/RW, the next Gen?

    Gimme a timeframe of the first appearance , if ever, of such a CAV (32Xmax, 40Xmax) CD-R/RW drive. Given the following problems and limitations on current generation: 1. Why is the changing from a writing to a reading operation on a CD-R/RW drive is so slow, often more than five seconds? 2. why is there no trueX drive over 16X speed in CD-R. 3. why is it so nosiy for a CD-R/RW in writing a disc. o-)
  4. tylau

    3Dfx was bought and why?

    Kudo, even the XBA from the so-far-so-hyped bitBoy uses resources and bandwidth in a more wised and environmental friendly manner. That called technology progress and advancement, pure silicon jacking is another but not in a designwise of sense.
  5. tylau

    3Dfx was bought and why?

    I dont really care what it is suppose to be called and from what ever frigginh company it is, if only they could put in support for Glide in future chipset release. Many games and apps out there still use it and it would be a hugh wasting of legacy should no future support of Glide can be realised. Technically speaking, I dont think 3Dfx nor nVidia is up to somthing, one simplt puts into expensive low efficency hardware with unbelieable legacy burden, and the other is just going the non-civilised way of jacking MHZ and render pipelines/memory clockspeeds. Save the Ge3. They could just do better from our customers' standpoint; try looking at Kryo II chipset and its price/hardware/heat/power/costs, you would know..
  6. tylau

    RAM Myth?

    60ns thingy is way back into 430HX age where FP/EDO ram stuffing are stil reign, those 60ns thingy cant keep up with the 66MHZ FSB/memory bus at their date, so something called "memory interleaocking" came into play which make it possible in theory to incorporate memory as slow as 40ns into a 100MHZ memory bus....
  7. tylau

    RAM Myth?

    I notice the jump in speed from 128MB to 256 MB all the time in win98, just try to enable the machine role as "server" it does only means to let win98 allocate more ram for the HDD caching, and then you could make IE to browse in a separate process for each instance it runs, it would use up much more ram but as 256MB are still enough to cater for it, and stability of system goes up too. I notice speed up in Photoshops, CAD programs, UT, NOLF, etc, with 128 to 256MB change.
  8. tylau

    Why is RAM so cheap?

    BTW, I got mine 128MB stick at US$35, they are dumping at US$2 for each 64Mb ram chip, so the baseline is around US$33-35 for a 128MB stick
  9. tylau

    Why is RAM so cheap?

    Thats some dumping actions by taiwan and korea memory giants, to clear up stocks as well as to make way for the upcoming memory tansitions to DDR and RDRAM
  10. tylau

    V5 driver leaking..

    I have my V5 w2k leaking driver installed and running flawlessly wit all 3dfx tools available uner w2k build2195, all the drivers as been update incluing the OGL to version 1.1, Q3 and others are flawles, go here i u cannot found it... http://home.pacific.net.hk/~tylau123/z.htm [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 24 June 2000).]
  11. tylau

    v3 leaked drivers - inf file not found?

    hmmmm.... let me think, someone is snatching ur DNS IP with their own recreated cyberinternet with 100GB storage for cloning, I am not sure what I am looking and reading anymore..
  12. tylau

    Still more W2K grief... Abit and AGP

    it is ur overclocker cleron killing the AGP tability...
  13. I have gone through all these hassles just hours b4, as a matter of fact, only 3DFX official releases(include betas) works. You probably can be happy with official drovers up to 1.04.00 and 1.04.07beta, other leaked drover cannot properly its 3Dfx tools install everytime. The best workaround seems to be using the lastest offical release 1.04.07beta, install it first, then extract the lastest leaked drover you wanted, such as 1.04.09C or 1.04.09J, V5-1.0beta, etc, I mean extract(do not run them here), then point to the extraction place in up[censored] adaptor driver with desktop rightclick. I still figuring our how to install those 3Dfx tools in leaded drovers. cheers.
  14. tylau

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    And I just heard Aureal has gone hay... competition rule rules.. -- better flee b4 flamthrower recharge--->
  15. tylau

    Video cards and 89 MHz AGP bus

    gforce 2 64mb
  16. tylau

    Win2k Voodoo5 drivers w/ Voodoo 3?

    I also hear that the V3 leaking drover boost something on the V5...
  17. tylau

    coppermine p3 700

    while I am not sure if cumine runs fine on be6 v1, it is better bet with a celery2 600.
  18. tylau

    Anyway to lower the overhead Win2k imposes?

    a good punch would do.
  19. tylau

    Major Win2k problems! !!EVERYONE PLEASE READ THIS!!

    missing a bit majority..
  20. tylau

    VID_04E6 PID_80002000

    dont be so dare to turn that on, or hahahhaha....
  21. tylau

    VID_04E6 PID_80002000

    its probabaly an unidentified pnp? object flying in your machine that it has no idea of what it is.
  22. tylau

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    Take it easy, folks, A3D truly shines when it comes to sound source positioing, HRTF, occulsion kind of cool stuff... Try enabling A3D in Q3A, you will have another dimension waiting for you, I try it on my SBlive; though the Q3A is not officially supporting EAX, the difference is very profound. [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 29 May 2000).]
  23. tylau

    Acer Scanner 320 USB

    I have my 310U workin in w2k for monthsnow, they have my commendation for they made 48bit working for FREE in their w2k driver upgrade for my scanner. Though very few apps. work with 48bit color space other than lightwave, pshop, etc. And the fdifference is no where signifiant if u are not having dye sublimation prints on poster size printouts.
  24. tylau

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    See what do u need most, EAX or A3D, SBlive has more powerful DSP chip make it lower CPU utillization card makes it useful especially for lower spec. system, while aureal based cards such as Mx300 has much better sound positioning effects on particularly 2 channel based audio speaker system, but heavier cpu%is needed.
  25. tylau

    crt verses flat panel

    make sure you get a DVI interface lift, other han that you will see burring edges of dark fonts to the right of letters on the screen. I dont have one though. ;0)