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Everything posted by tylau

  1. tylau

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    If this is not called a beta, I would label it as the most unicivilised patching exercises since slice bread. consider the full install takes about 300MB, a service "rewrite" weight in 200MB, simlpy a waste of the already congested web bandwidth. -- I know I need to be off, anyway....
  2. tylau

    Thumbs up 3dfx 1.04.05 BETA !

    Viola! This BETA has make all D3D score 10%+ and OpenGL scores 5%+ on Q3A. It is glad that 3dfx has finally dump the legacy support of the lowly banshee froom their V3 drivers. watch out for next W9X/W2K official driver release, good stuffs coming! [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 17 April 2000).]
  3. tylau

    Thumbs up 3dfx 1.04.05 BETA !

    Okay, Okay, nupe! A friend of mine shout at me that OpenGL although itself is a OS independent API, the driver to the HAL actually not, when it comes to the display driver, it is to bring different h/w to the same API parity so that they are OS transparent; so the OpenGL display driver actually is OS dependent; so as their performance levels. This is some sort of off topic here, heading my way to voodoo groups.
  4. tylau

    Thumbs up 3dfx 1.04.05 BETA !

    What?! no englisha has been spoken... I am a 3dfx salesman after all. In case you dont know it yet, something like OpenXX is: 3dfx Joins OpenML Initiative Sunday, 16th April OpenML is a new OS independant programming API like OpenGL or OpenAL. Sounds like companies are sick of the Microsoft treadmill and hope for more open programming standards. In any case 3dfx, 3Dlabs, ATI, Compaq, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, IBM, Intel, S3, and SGI have joined the "Kronos Group" which hopes to promote the OpenML standard. Reported by: Bill "Bobcat" Patterson at 5:10pm
  5. tylau

    PAge File problem

    relax chap, I finally deduced that if you are upgrading from NT4 or b4 then you are in luck, since W2K has no prerequisite on disk type when they are created in previous NTFS formats, ie, W2K can support stripe set created by NT4 or earlier versions, but not creating it. A bit awkward though.
  6. tylau

    PAge File problem

    It is possible. Try making a SMALL strip set NTFS partition using two HDD, just enough size to hold the paging file of your desired size. Say if this is 300MB, then allocated 150MB each from the two HDD used to create the strip set. Then in W2K specify the min. and max size of paging file to be the size of that partition and then use it exclusively for the paging swap of W2K, in many cases you will be able to make use of both of the HDD, provided that you paging NTFS partition isnt set to too large a size.
  7. tylau

    Someone Please advise what to do.

    Many reports of the A CPU are related the Power supply, try a real juicy and stable one.
  8. tylau

    Voodoo 3000 issues

    I think this is a left out by 3dfx, as their initial release is all out of rush there are many unpolished touch in this set of driver. They havent even provide option menu to define the monitor profile (so as to control refresh rates in different resolutions) in the driver properties. Their OpenGL driver in W2k is marked as a BETA release. The V3OC you mentioned is not working properly in 3dfx W2k V3 driver either, the V3OC tab within the V3 driver page keep disappearing on every reboot.
  9. tylau

    Does WinNT support dual monitors ?

    I810 may be using UMA that is not dual ready.
  10. tylau


    lies isnt too dirt now, but hopefully they have some improvement on their once-ever-and-for-all driver release history.
  11. tylau

    Lexmark 3200 drivers now available!

    Not to be harsh on Lexmark, but since their ink level detection is a psuedo-detective program, it shouldnt give out errors when they are not detecting something at all. It works now, even on my LAN, save I did not try color photo prints. [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 13 April 2000).]
  12. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    they dont even live to tell a schedule for their inkjets, particularly 3200 W2K driver.
  13. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    Cut the SH*T LEXMARK, dont drag on the earth when you are so out distanced! :< [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 10 April 2000).]
  14. tylau

    Turning off hard disk

    Looks right, HDD almost have same MTBF regardless of whether it is in spin down or in full rotation state of operation, only power is save.
  15. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    Not a bad guess actually for Asian support version. ))
  16. tylau

    Windows ME

    Wow, BE0s, where do you guys can d/l soft for BE, very scarce on the net. cheers. [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 10 April 2000).]
  17. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    Late is better than none, or naively fast This is show on LEXMARK US site: We are finalizing testing of the new Windows 2000 driver for this product. When completed, the driver will be posted here. We expect the driver to be available on 4/10/00, and regret any delay you may experience.
  18. tylau

    Win2k and DMA on a Maxtor 292720U8 HD

    FIC SD11 is known for it incompatibility with Maxtor UDMA66 HDD, the solution seems to be lies in using old DMA33 cable (to settle for less, better than nothing at all) or to claim an RMA with maxtor to replace the HDD at their discretion.
  19. tylau


    The most muiltthreaded driver with SSE is the ERASOR cards, they are good for w/s cad, although I dont do mechanical drawing any more. I have a feeling that I will be doing much of these in near future.
  20. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    just keep it float..
  21. tylau

    ATA 66 ?

    Use EZsmart downloadable from IBM website, it is more than telling you what mode each HDD is running at, it is a S.M.A.R.T. monitoring s/w
  22. tylau


    Aragorn, AFAIK, Matrox since the Millemium II is using Scatter-Shatter PCI bus mastering which makes it distinctguish from many other display card in PCI bus access and controll, the adoption of AGP make thing more stringent as frequency and timing issues are more strict that woould make the G200/400 a lot more involvement in PCI bus control(AGP is an extension of PCI), with tight coupling of the north bridge of the BX chipset with the AGP, it is more error prone than a hub base architecture such as the I810 or I820 chipset. Thanks for the link, I didnt know matrox has got such good forum now.
  23. tylau


    What mobo of the smp are u running on, I think "good" old BX is out of luck in this situation, have you hear the sane problem with those 810 and 820 mobos ? I bet not.
  24. tylau

    MP3 Ripping

    HyCD is the best I used. IT even support VBR on the trial version, so that you can ripp all your CDs within a 30day "production period"
  25. tylau

    Windows NT 4.0 Server

    When NT4 cannot found any FAT or NTFS partition or empty space on your system disks to copy 2nd stage files, it shows what u describes. [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 02 April 2000).]