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Everything posted by tylau

  1. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    Thhis is somewhat our of luck for my 3200, as the latest Z51 W2k driver still does not support network printing, a really bad chance for even the older 3200. And they would even need a firmware upgrade of the printer before W2k driver is enabled. See below LEXMARK peek: Windows 2000 Instructions for the Lexmark Z51 Series Printer. NOTE: This firmware and driver are intended for use on Microsoft Windows 2000 only. Using either or both of these components on other versions of Microsoft Windows will bring unpredictable results. Please follow these instructions: 1.) Uninstall any existing Z51 software that is loaded on the PC. Use the Uninstall link from the Lexmark Z51 Series Program Group, or delete the Lexmark Z51 Series printer icon from the printer’s folder. For customers using a parallel cable, continue with step 2. Customers using a USB cable should skip to the last section of instructions. 2.) Install the Updated Printer Firmware to the Lexmark Z51. A.) Download the Z51Firm.exe file. Choose "Save As" and choose a folder to save the file into (Desktop is recommended). B.) From the folder where you just downloaded the Z51Firm.exe file, double click the file to expand it. Choose Unzip to expand the file to c:\LXKZ51. C.) Be sure that your Z51 printer is powered on. D.) From your computer, go to a Command Prompt (DOS Prompt). E.) From DOS, type "CD\" (without quotes), then press the Enter Key. F.) Type "CD LXKZ51" (without quotes), then press the Enter Key. G.) Depending on which port you are printing to, type the following (without quotes): "W2KLpt1" (if you are printing to LPT1) "W2KLpt2" (if you are printing to LPT2) "W2KLpt3" (if you are printing to LPT3) H.) Follow the on-screen instructions 3.) After up[censored] your printer firmware, you're ready to upgrade the printer driver. A.) Save Z51W2K.exe to your computer (Desktop is recommended). B.) Double-Click the file on your computer to expand it. Choose Unzip to unzip the file to the C:\LxkZ51 directory. C.) Click Start, Settings, Printers, Add Printer. D.) Follow the instructions on the screen until you are asked to select the manufacturer and model of your printer. Then, click the 'Have Disk' button. E.) Click the Browse button and go to the folder where you expanded the Z51W2k.exe file (the default is C:\LXKZ51). F.) Lexmark Z51 Series Colorfine should appear. Choose Next. Follow the on-screen instructions. G.) When asked if you wish to print a Test Page, choose No. H.) If you see a message that says "Digital Signature Not Found", choose Yes to continue. The driver will install correctly. I.) After the installation is complete, restart Windows. FOR USB ATTACHMENT ONLY: A.) Do not attach the printer, yet. B.) Do steps A & B from section 3 (above). C.) Plug the Z51 into the USB port and power it on. D.) When the New Hardware Wizard Appears, continue from step D in section 3 (above). E.) If you ever plan to use a Parallel Cable, be sure to upgrade the printer firmware (step #2 above). A parallel cable is required for the firmware update. Note: Peer to Peer printing is not supported in this release.
  2. Oh this PU has its root deept in Glide since the original NFS1, and it would run beautifually on any 3DFX display cards, but when it comes to nvidia, you are going to the dark side. But myself on a V3 is not going to use glide as I have it at 1280x1024 real smooth, with all graphic details to the max and heavy traffic with 7 random competitor cars. It is the only game today I encounters that can play with such speed in this resolution and details on my V3. [This message has been edited by tylau (edited 02 April 2000).]
  3. As a matter of fact, I run Need for speed:Porsche unleashed (NFS5) on my W2k pro Build 2195 machine smoothly with a V3. As this game wouldnt settle for anything less than DX7.0a it is a proof for the inclusion of it in W2k. BTW, I have it all the way up to 1280x1024 without any noticable slowdown in W2k.
  4. tylau

    WTF with LEXMARK!!!!!!????

    Alright, you guys are just real fast in this. AS I am running my prime machine with netwerok printer setup through LAN, is the hack works on netwrok printer setup also? thanks.
  5. How about the fibre optic replaced by a "super conductor" with an initial current (charges) pumped through it?
  6. tylau

    Memory and Win2k

    Hey guys, where can I actually found some of those benchmark results for W2K with different memory sizes?
  7. tylau

    Anyone break the 24hr uptime barrier yet?

    Mine has automated tasks to reboot, loginin as administrator, connect to my ISP and then run automatic windows update on 23:45 of each day!
  8. tylau

    Windows 2000 Loves IRQ-9

    ACPI Love, love and love IRQ#9!
  9. tylau

    Switching back to good ol' win98

    And I will going all the ay back toe W95! If I dont need USB and IE. hahaha...
  10. tylau

    Challenge for you techies

    I wonder if I will soon challenging Lexmark tech support for this....
  11. tylau

    BP6 + Maxtor 40 gig drive + ata66

    If you can get to the point of desktop background appearing, then it is by no mean you mobo, HDD , or HDD controller has to do about this. There is something bad with your video card, or video card driver and its settings, double check.
  12. That seems to be, my V3 does not respondse to refresh rate changes, I have try using latest powerstrip to define a new monitor type, but that still dont work; given my retail V3 driver.
  13. tylau

    Dell Liveware 2k FIX!!!

    Hi JosefTor, sorry for the late reply, I have suffer from some kind of pyhsical breakdown. The link and files from the pages you provide was really a nice job. And it is flawless. Thanks man.
  14. tylau

    Voodoo3 DVD Hardware Assist ???

    Try Power DVD 2.55 for W2K. It is the Best. V3 does not have motion compensation, so some rapid changes in picture of DVD may come up jerky edges and other artifacts on the screen, only PowerDVD has the best quality and is operable from PII-350 onward. I am still waiting for a film called Terminator 2+, shown on two venues near UU.
  15. tylau

    dell win2k drivers

    I am not getting it, the FTP site of dell shown the driver is almost 90MB, yes it is 90! for d/l, it is too gozilla for my modem.
  16. tylau

    Windows200 FAQ for new Retail 3Dfx drivers

    The only conern is that you must be downloading from their offical server, 3dfxgamers, so that security issue is not paramount with regard to digisign unaccompliashment. This is really a rush release, even the included 1.1 OpenGL ICD is a beta version called retail.
  17. tylau

    accessing NTFS partition

    Still hope remain, some sort of shareware program I saw can have file dump with NTFS that works in W9X, but no file excution of course, a search on download.com would do.
  18. tylau

    powerstrip and voodoo3

    Yes, you can have it in W2K, the 2.62 is going for it actually. Particularly there is no overclocker for V3 in W2K now, this would help.
  19. tylau

    Windows 2000 Compatibility Issue

    HI Maeric, I do think that your HDD 2GB is quite OK for W2K, provided that it is not to shabby. I have my W2K on a 2GB partition also, which I turn on a really nice feature of the W2K I would say, that is file level compression. This is a significant improvement on the old disk level compression as offered by W9X, which has poor score in the reliabilty dept.
  20. tylau

    IDE Block mode in bios

    ext2 is a mountable filing system for the LINUX, which is similar to what NTFS dynamic volume that can have mounting options and extensible/shrinkable. I also has no problem when I had LINUX 5.2 on my system
  21. tylau

    IDE Block mode in bios

    I have all kinds of FAT, FAT32 and NTFS partitions with primary or extended partitioning on my HDDs, I have never experience any instability involved file transfers. In my recent HDD upgrading exercises, I often transfer file goups up to 20GB in size at a time across those partitions and never had a problem with it. The IDE block mode only affect PIO mode of data transfer with your HDDs, it does not affect DMA33/66 in modern HDDs.
  22. tylau

    Creative SB Live! FAQ

    AFAIK, Matrox is having their own driver certification instead of the WHQL certification for future drivers.
  23. tylau

    3DFX post regarding Win2K drivers

    Soon, very soon, remember V3 is a V2SLI with a 2D banshee core.
  24. tylau

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    An internal circulation reveals the large number of bugs in the infant W2K, the patching all thime high exercise of W9X/NTx is going to happen again and again, whew! The OS itself doesnt seems to have the stabillity of it NT4 ancestor also. IT seems that MS by putting in VXD drivers with the PNP capability into W2K, the OS is not as stable as older NT. It especailly crash proned when invloving hardware driver issues, when VXD can have ring 0 access to the system within the W2K.
  25. tylau

    Acer Scanner 300F

    Try looking for Adaptec 1502 SCSI Card device driver for the W2K