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About shineon

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  1. hello, my problem is with quake 3 arena the game is almost to dark to play i have tried to increase the brightness within the game and with powerstrip but nothing seems to work it seems to be only under openGL games directX works fine i had this same problem under winnt4.0 can anyone help please? thanks shineon
  2. shineon

    Intel CC820 motherboard?

    thanks for replying to my post i tried win2000pro RC1 and i could'nt get my video card to work right. have you used this board with the final release?
  3. shineon

    Intel CC820 motherboard?

    Hello, i have this motherboard and i was curious if anyone has tried using windows2000 on this board i need to know if it is compatible with windows 2000 i am planning on buying win2000pro on the 17th and i need to know if i have to switch boards that would suck because i love this new board. please help thanks shineon