Wow, ok, so does this meant hat all those "This game does not run in NT" prompts should go away and games should run just fine?
Like, for example, will System Shock 2 stop refusing to run in high detail in win2000?
Because that -lgNtforce command makes it run with basic Dx extensions, meaning that it's 640x480 with rather dull graphics and terrible visual artifacts.
Also, I haven't used setwin95.cmd before.
I run it using: (?)
[typed at prompt? c:\ ? ]
" title.exe setwin95.cmd "
or was it
" imagecfg.exe setwin95.cmd "
the FAQ is vaigue as to exactly what to do.
Also, does it have to be run before a program? Or with the program (as in a batch file starting both the program and the image). Or is it like a TSR (It works while running, and i can terminate it whenever).
Or is it a permanent change to the actual OS?