My concerns is two things when I upgrade win98 to win2k iam a heavy tweaker, sad to hear that Winboost2k doenst work with nt5 ):
my other concern is that my Lexmark 3200 printer doesn't work with newer version of win2k, there a way to beat it?
I got 3 versions to play with
I would upgrade my computer... since its been a year since I formatted
also I worry bout my games
like tribes, unreal, freespace2, q2, and quake3 all installed on my computer now, and run perfectly
All I want really from win2k is the tool bar and the special affects.
I used Norton 2k and mem turbo which will hopefully work good in win2k,
been checking the list for which applications work and which don't
I also got a voodoo2 8 mg which they say it works
but in 3dfx?
or just opengl?
but I may wait a lil more before upgrading
I do have the recent release of windows mill also, is it just hyped up and butch of more garage added?
I seen the the installed os takes twice as much room, worth it?
Have u found a way around the winboost?
Any suggestions or comments are appreciated
KaSzo ( Daniel )