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Everything posted by Sikpupi

  1. Sikpupi

    FAT32 or NTFS??

    Oh dear I really should READ the posts shoudn't I? OK Sorry you do have to reformat!
  2. Sikpupi

    FAT32 or NTFS??

    DONT Reformat your drive! Just go to a dos box and type convert *:\ fs:ntfs where * is the drive letter you want to convert.
  3. Sikpupi

    Hollywood plus problems

    Apologies if this has been beaten to death but I have a Real magic h+ card. After installing the drivers of the site, when I go to play a DVD it says a compatible decoder card has not been detected, a DVD drive is not enough blah blah. This is the only part of my machine that isn't working yet. Any ideas?
  4. Sikpupi

    Hollywood plus problems

    Yeh it seems as if 2000 autoplays the DVD discs then complains. Thanks a lot!