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Everything posted by Galilee

  1. Galilee

    CS and RogerWilco/BattleCom

    I found out about it. Press Num Lock (turn it off) and the Up/Down/Right/Left key works fine when RW/BC is being used.
  2. Galilee

    Elsa Gladiac Geforce 3 any good?

  3. Galilee

    Elsa Gladiac Geforce 3 any good?

    yes but still I'm from Norway btw, and both Hercules and Asus make expencive cards compared to other manufacturer. Here they cost something like this: Asus pure: 5195 NOK Asus deluxe: 5595 NOK Hercules: 5595 NOK Cardexpert: 5195 NOK MSI: 4795 NOK (all prices a little lower online) The cheapes I can get is MSI card online (4,435,- or 484$) For some strange reason Cardecpert (Gainward) suddenly made a expencive GF3 card, all their other cards are cheap compared to other. You see here that MSI cost 800 norwegian kroner less than Asus deluxe and Hercules. And on the Hercules card you don't even get anything else than the card. I have checked out the MSI card, and they look just fine. Read an review and it was just as fast as the reference GF3 card. For some sad reason prices has not dropped yet in Norway. I think I'll wait for the card to come out, and see if the prices drop. I e-mailed one store and asked about the prices, but I did'nt get an answer.
  4. Galilee

    Elsa Gladiac Geforce 3 any good?

    I'm sure its just fine. All the GF3 cards are extremely similar. Asus is often a little more expencive because they bundle all these funny things (VR glasses and stuff), and some cards are a little more expencive because they have TV-out. Elsa is a good brand as faar as I know.
  5. Galilee

    Win2k(burnt) - highpoint - dvd

    no not excactly It gave me an error when it loaded the driver from the floppy. Error in d:\nt something. I made different floppys with different versions and they all gave me the problem. (except the origial disk). but I was able to hit s, and then Enter and select a driver from the diskette.
  6. Galilee

    Win2k(burnt) - highpoint - dvd

    I have had the same problem. Using the highpoint floppy that came with the motherboard helped. The newest drivers online gave me a crash on d:\something I do not completely understand why, because I have used the newest drivers earlier.
  7. Galilee

    Low RAID performance

    Hi I have a Abit KT7-RAID card with a Highpoint controller. My harddisk is two ATA100 disks. In WinMe the performance is great. In Sisoft Sandra I get 27000 points. (considering it's 5400 drives). But in Win2000 (and WinXP) I get 16000. Apparently RAID is not functioning. (it's RAID 0 btw) Any idea what is happening? (I'm using the latest Highpoint drivers)
  8. Galilee

    Low RAID performance

    I have SP2 and the AMD patch. I checked out the hotfix, and apparently it's part of SP2. Hmm I wonder what is happening here
  9. Hi I believe this has been mentioned earlier cut I couldnt find any posts about it. In XP (and I believe in win2k) detonator 10-12 don't remember the overclocking settings. It works fine, but after reboot its forgotten and reset. Is there a way to fix this? Where in the registry can I find the MHz settings for the videocard? (no nv-tool can fix it either)
  10. Galilee

    Remembering Overclocking settings in Det12

    thanks I'll try that
  11. Galilee

    Remembering Overclocking settings in Det12

    Let me ask in another way Does anyone else have the same problem?
  12. Galilee

    Balloon Help/Tooltips

    Not sure if this works but have you tried Rightclick My COmputer-->Preferences-->Performance?-->Those graphical settings in that LONG list I don't know what half of it means. hehe
  13. Galilee

    msn messenger go away!!!

    Start the messenger and go thrue the activation. When the program has started you can go to settings. There you can turn it off.
  14. Galilee

    WinRAR not working in XP for me....

    But how do a person helps someone that can't get WinRar to work? What doesnt work? Can't it open the rar files? freeze while unzipping? what? Help: Uninstall and install again. Give WinRar the boot, and use the newest WinAce. Usually people are very helpful here, but to me a answer like "It works here with these specs" is a very fine answer. Then I know it should work, and I'm doing something wrong or has been unlucky with some install. Those problems usually fix themselves. Good luck [This message has been edited by Galilee (edited 03 April 2001).]
  15. Galilee

    HORRIBLE geforce 2 performance in whistler beta 2

    Lol didnt see you specs there off cource you don't have a VIA vhipset, you have a shitty Intel chipset, hehe.
  16. Galilee

    Privacy and WINXp

    Install a firewall. After the Black & White fiasco the first thing I install after a clean install is Norton Personal Firewall. Its crazy how many programs that connect to the Internet. A game like Unreal Tournament connects to www.unrealtournament.com when you start the game. I just blocked it. If I can't understand why it should connect, it probably don't have to either A strange thing is that explorer.exe very often connects (pings) different servers. Other programs like unrealtournament.exe use explorer.exe to ping. I have ended up blocking explorer.exe totally. I never use it to surf the net anyway.
  17. Galilee

    1 minute to load settings

    When my computer boots up, at the login screen (Loading personal settings) it use 1 minute to do that. Applying takes like 1sec but the Loading thing takes forever. It didnt do that when the OS was freshly installed, and it didnt do that the first time I tried out XP Any ideas? maybe something to do with sblive?
  18. Galilee

    1 minute to load settings

    Update: I formatted and installed everyting again. Now I timed the Loading personal settings screen after each install. First boot it was something like 2secs. The more I installed and the more I changed in the OS, the longer the Loading took. Now its up in 25sec (With LiveWare installed). I guess I was just unlucky with my last install. LiweWare didnt increase the Loading personal setting time that much (maybe 2secs more) this time. But when I think back I have had the same problem once in Win2k. Apparently LiveWare can sometime totally **** up your boot time, other times it workes fine.
  19. Galilee

    HORRIBLE geforce 2 performance in whistler beta 2

    Do not install VIA drivers. When I installed the VIA agp thing, I lost 20fps in Q3. I would recomend 1040 drivers(yes I know you have tried them). They work in most games AND they don't give you BSOD when you play mpeg/avi movies. For me performance in OpenGL is excactly the same as in WinMe. In D3D I think its a little lower but not much. Havent tried that much. Not may D3D benchmarks around (when 3dmark2001 don't work). In 3dmark2000 I got maybe 400 points lower than in WinMe (not sure, didnt use the excact same settings).
  20. Wow Great work man. Its perfect. Games AND mpeg/avi works great cool
  21. Hi Well the plan was to use 11.01 with the nv4_disp.dll from 7.59, How do I turn off System File Protection (after I reboot I get a BSOD right before the Login window.) [This message has been edited by Galilee (edited 31 March 2001).]
  22. But there must be a way to fix this. If we managed to get 1101 drivers with the display driver from a earlier driver (6.** og 7.**) it would be great. I tried as mentioned in the 3dmark thread, to install 1101 with the display driver from 7.59, but I got a BSOD. And after trying to do as mentioned (remove the driver in safemode) it just booted up and installed a complete set of another driver. So it didnt work. Does anyone know how to make tweaked drivers here?
  23. Galilee

    WinXP Beta 2 2462 & 3dmark2001 no go

    I also have the 3dmark2001 problem. Right before the High detail Game2test the program just shuts down. No messages nothing. Performance on the first tests look good. Using Det 11.01
  24. Galilee

    VIA in beta2?

    Should I install the VIA 4in1 drivers in WinXP beta2? Or atleast the AGP driver. Its often nasty if the OS don't like the VIA drivers. But my performance in games is not 100%, more like 80% maybe the AGP driver can help. Has anyone tried them?
  25. Galilee

    VIA in beta2?

    Hi I'll try that. btw I found out why it was not running at full speed. It was some driver setting. With the default AGP stuff (without any VIA drivers) everything works fine.