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Everything posted by Galilee

  1. I have a small problem with Windows 2003 Server. I run a exe-program on it. I log in as a remote users and starts it (a gameserver). I then have to disconnect from remote, and the program continues to run as wanted. The problem is: If I remote in from another computer with the same username I get a different users. That means that I don't see the program I run unless I use view all processes. Is there a way to log in to the SAME user? in other words the same session. That is the way Windows XP Pro does ut.
  2. Galilee

    Xp Too Slow

    You should atleast get more ram. 256MB minimum on XP IMO. And you can try to turn of Luna (use Classic) to get the desktop-use a little faster. Turning of System Restore can also help.
  3. Galilee

    Best FTP Client?

    LeechFTP owns
  4. Galilee

    XP Powertoys re-released

    Mostly bugfixes I beleive. The desktop manater had lots of bugs. But now the "preview" animation is so damn slow.
  5. Galilee

    Best browser enhancements ?

    For some reason Opera crash a lot on my machine. Atleast one time each day. That is one time to many for me. When they fix all the bugs it will be a great browser.
  6. Galilee

    How to compile C files and execute in VS

    I know, you have to have a prosject.
  7. Galilee

    How to compile C files and execute in VS

    Build-->Build solution. Or Ctrl+Shift+B Yes they have the same interface for the different languages, but it changes some depending on what type of project you are running.
  8. Galilee

    Yet another reason to NOT like XP.

    Why don't you use a program like ACDSee. XP doesnt suck just because the imageviewer sucks. But I agree, it does suck
  9. Galilee

    60Hz with 27.42

    WHY?? Why did NVIDIA change the way refreshrates are managed in the new Detonator drivers? Refreshrate fix doesnt understand it, and I sure as hell can't understand it either. has anyone had any luck changeing the gaming refreshrate with these drivers?
  10. Galilee

    Bugging about certificate

    Hi The last days Hotmail and Messenger has started to bug me about some .net passport certificate being to old or expired. I get this window everytime I enter Hotmail or messenger: Is there a way to remove this? Either get a new certificate or just stop bugging me about them
  11. Galilee

    Bugging about certificate

    Forget it I found out what was wrong. The date on my computer was 2001 and not 2002
  12. Galilee

    Can't use windows update?!

    Here is a fix that worked for me Quote: Open with notepad the file: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add the following line www.download.windowsupdate.com
  13. Galilee

    Can't use windows update?!

    Same here, and on my girlfriends computer. It does'nt have anything to do with me having a oem version? Is it down for all people?
  14. How will Windows XP Home edition run on this machine: AMD K6-2 475 MHz 384MB PC100 RAM ? And if it is slow, how can I make it faster? (without upgrading the whole system). I plan to turn of Luna and just use the standard classic Windows look. Anything else I can turn off? System Restore maybe.
  15. Galilee

    Performance on system?

    Quote: I have a K6-2 400 box with 256MB PC100 and it runs XP just fine. I put a GeForce 2 MX in it and it usually only drops below 40fps in UT on really big maps. Turn of system restore, and use some tweaks you can find on this site. APK had a really good guide around here somewhere for disabling unneeded services in Windows 2000 that translates really well to XP, and will help a lot. If decide to go for it (if you haven't already), check the compatibility lists on this site, and download all the drivers you're going to need ahead of time. Some of XP's built in drivers work really well, but others but others don't quite cut it. And if your motherboard is fairly old, you might consider flashing to the newest BIOS just to be safe. Thanks for the feedback. I'll give it a try. It probably has to be a dual boot with WinMe/XP because I have a really stupid Minolta digital cam that only has Win9x drivers. Irritating as hell
  16. Galilee

    Performance on system?

    Even though K6-2 was bad, doesnt mean Duron/Athlon is bad. There is a drastic difference between the two cpu's. Athlon kicks some serious ***
  17. Galilee

    Performance on system?

    Yes I know. K6-2 is a terrible cpu. But if I am to upgrade the machine (it's my girlfriends computer) I have to change the motherboard also. I have used WinMe on it, but apparently it doesnt like WinMe. After few weeks WinMe starts to bug on me. But maybe if I tweak the hell out of WinXP Home, and turn of all the fancy stuff I can get a atleast stable system. She only uses the computer to surf the internet, and use ICQ
  18. Galilee

    CS and RogerWilco/BattleCom

    Hi I have the strangest problem. When I play CS I use the arrows to control foreward/back, and strafe. If I am connected to RW og BC, I for some reason jump in CS. When I press a arrow-key the character moves, but it also jump the second I press the key. It's impossible to play this way. I also noticed that when I am in the Controls menu, and try to bind the arrowkeys they refuce to be binded, and just moved up/down/right/left in the menu. None of this happens when I am disconnected from a "server" in BC or RW. Help!!
  19. Galilee

    Games skip/pause every other second

    Hi I just installed XP on my Asus A7V motherboard. Installed newest VIA drivers, and NVIDIA 21.85 drivers (Have tried other drivers also). The graphic card is a GF1, and I have a PCI128 soundcard using XP drivers. The problem is that in most games like Red Faction and in Counter-Strike it pause, or do a small skip/hopp every other second. It's not random but very regulary. I have installed the latest bios for my mb. HELP!!
  20. Galilee

    Internet Explorer Crashes every time in XP

    Just call tech-support. In Norway Dell has great support.
  21. Galilee

    Games skip/pause every other second

    Thanks, I'll try that.
  22. I was wondering if Whistler.net had a startupmode that was only a textbased console. And it had to start the services of cource. I have a server and if the GUI runs, it use a lot of resources on that. And the only thing I want the server to do is run it's services. Is this possible?
  23. Galilee

    Whistler server, and console mode

    I just thought of something. If the services are loaded before the Login screen, the OS can just boot and then stand at the Login screen. Then Explorer.exe arent loaded.
  24. Galilee

    unreal games and performance

    Hi all I have a NVIDIA card with a Athlon 1300. Performance in XP is generally very good. All open GL games are very fast and most directx games work ok. My only problem is unreal and UT based games. They work and all, but my framerate is around 50% of the framerate in WinMe (around 40-50fps in XP). Is it only me, or does these games run like crap in XP (I believe I had the same problem in Win2k really). I have been thinking a litte (wow ) and think it might have to do with directx7. Everything dx8 is very optimized and fast (I almost score better in 3dmark2001 in XP than in Me), but older directx games are slow. Am I doing something wrong? I'll hate to go back to WinMe, but I would very much like to be able to play Deus Ex at playable framerates. Galilee