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Neo the MATRIX

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About Neo the MATRIX

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  1. Neo the MATRIX

    IDE Driver !!

    welche *.dll ??? kannst du es mir nicht sagen ??
  2. Neo the MATRIX

    IDE Driver !!

    Sorry for my English, because I am German !!
  3. Neo the MATRIX

    IDE Driver !!

    Win 2k says, if I want to shut down Win 2k into break, that the drivers are not correct and that I have to reinstall them with a newer one!
  4. Neo the MATRIX


    My Bios didn't have the switch ACPI on/off? What should I do ?
  5. Neo the MATRIX


    how should I do this in my Bios ??????
  6. Neo the MATRIX

    IDE Driver !!

    Can anybody tell my, where I can get new Win 2000-IDE Driver for my ASUS P5A Motherboard ?
  7. Neo the MATRIX


    ASUS P5A, with newest BIOS (16.01.2000) !
  8. Neo the MATRIX

    w2k boot

    I have the same problem with my P5A !
  9. Neo the MATRIX


    this doesn't help !!! It also doesn't help, if I change in the registry the word powerdown from 0 -----> 1
  10. Neo the MATRIX


    My Win 2k doesen't powerdown ! It restarts only.