This Viper Card annihlates the Geforce even with the ddr...... I get 36 fps at 1280x1024 with EVERYTHING cranked up to the fullest. I took someones advice and tried downloading the NT4 driver. Ha. I have two monitors, the one running off my viper still says "Windows 2000 Starting Up" Whatever. There have been tons of driver problems with this card... S3 CT problems in unreal.... dunno, the drivers dont actually SUPPORT S3TL, even thought it says the card supports it on the box. Buncha **** if you ask me. I am also annoyed that it seems that the drivers thus far seem to be written to run well with only certain softwares.... it sucks ass in 3dbench... but kicks everyone but the prophets ass in everything other than winbecnh...dunno. Over all I am very happy with the card.... How can you argue with 36 fps at 1280?
If anyone from Diamond is reading this, or savage for that matter, GET ON THE FREAKIN BALL AND GIMMIE SOME DAMN DRIVERS!