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Everything posted by DMan

  1. DMan

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    RobGoo wrote: "Windows2000 is NOT a consumer product it IS a business product" so why does it have gamming support then ?? I don't whine about MS, but it's allways popular to blame Bill Gates I don't know it's just a habit.. I mean if I were reeleching software I would use the Windows95/98 error codes and blame it on MS hehe
  2. DMan

    Monster 3D II / Voodoo 2

    Well finally im gettin a little life out of my Monster 3D II. I have 2x Monster 3D II and that did not work with the new driver for Voodoo2. I evan tried the 3dfx MiniGL 1.47 still nothing... I removed 1 of my Monsters and Voila I got a heartbeat... now im just gona reeinstall all the Voodoo2 driver and I think that will do the trick, now i just wait for the sli compliant driver for Monster 3D II *hint* I was gona try to *modify* the diamond driver but im a sucky hacker and the have it bundled in some install thingy.. so i just didn't try but the NT4 driver for monster 3D II is here "http://www.diamondmm.de/eng/support/drivers.htm" DMan
  3. DMan

    Monster 3D II / Voodoo 2

    I just found out about it But those Voodoo2 drivers just lockup my system... they work with HL for about 10 sec... then it hangs *SUKK* I played Half-life in software mode today....**** it's like Doom all over agen DMan