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Everything posted by marlin

  1. marlin

    BestData 56FW ISA modem in W2K

    Hello, Does anyone have a BestData 56FW ISA internal modem working in W2K.There are no W2K drivers at their website.I was wondering if anybody found a workaround.
  2. marlin

    Bios flash in W2K

    Whats the best way to flash my motherboards bios in W2K.Going from NZ to QJ on an Abit BE-6II.Thanks for any help.
  3. marlin

    Bios flash in W2K

    Thanks, I have another question.Sometimes when I boot up I get an error message saying my bios is not acpi compatible.This is listed in "power management" in my bios and it is enabled.Any ideas?Thanks again.
  4. marlin

    Microsoft Win2k Giveaway (did anyone else win a copy?)

    I won a copy.UPS delivered it Friday