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About gordzilla

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  1. gordzilla

    Couple of problems...

    Anybody???? Or am I just a dolt? Ideas?
  2. gordzilla

    Couple of problems...

    I have checked into the MS Knowledge base on these and lurked about for a while to see if anyone else had the same problems... ABIT BP6, Celery 400x2 no OC'ed yet 128MB PC100, Viper 770 TNT2, MX300, Matsu CW-7582 CDR, Realtek 8029 Net Card, Advanced Server(Build 2195), QQ-2 Bios Update, ACPI MPS Kernel. System was a ASUS P2B, 266 OC'ed to 400, and the latest offical ABIT BIOS, with all the rest of the same hardware. The problems have been the same even after the upgrade, even after a reinstall over top of W2K Problem #1 - System used to shutdown normally or restart. Now it closes everything down but remains at the default desktop colour with the mouse and Num-Lock still functioning. CTRL-ALT-DEL does nothing, it will sit there until you reset or hold the power button for 4 secs. Sometimes it will be locked (No mouse movement) but never causes a BSOD. Problem #2 May be related to the above. Eventlog Error: ----------------------------------- Configuring the Page file for crash dump failed. Make sure there is a page file on the boot partition and that is large enough to contain all physical memory. ----------------------------------- MS KB states that it is the size of my page file, it was 192MB well over the RAM +13MB recommended setting. This was default, it recommended 190 on the page file settings screen so I set it to that and it made no difference. I have all crashlog dumping turned off, set to just reboot, no alert or debug memory dump. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This seems like a software problem seeing as it has persisted through a major hardware upgrade and re-install over top of the OS, and a BIOS update... Thanks for the help! Gord
  3. gordzilla

    Auto Starting Task Manager minimised in system tray

    Ok Here it is! Location of EXE: C:\WINNT\system32\taskmgr.exe Location of Startup Folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs Change the properties of the Shortcut to Minimized and voila! Gord
  4. gordzilla

    Auto Starting Task Manager minimised in system tray

    I have done exactly what you are trying to do, just it is at home and I can't remember how I'll post better info when I get home.
  5. gordzilla

    Auto Starting Task Manager minimised in system tray

    The program is in the Winnt directory, I think it is called Taskman.exe? Make a shortcut to it, properties on the shortcut, specify Minimize. Place it in the Startup folder for you appropriate profile. They move he profiles again, it is not off of the root dir, do a Find and search for "Statup"