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About WaX

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  1. Maybe you're exceeding the Horizontal Scan Range of your monitor, had those problems with a geForce and old 21" monitor, if your monitor has other refresh ranges on his back/in manual than shown with powerstrip (or such) then try to adjust the values. Or have you tried deleting(after backup) your config.cfg and let hl create a new one? Hope it helps a little
  2. WaX

    Windows 2000 Loves IRQ-9

    Do you have 'PNP OS Installed' in your BIOS set to yes? if so then change it to no and see if it works http://www.asuscom.de/de/support/techmain/FAQ/bios/faq080_P3BF_PNP_OS.htm
  3. WaX

    Shutdown Problems

    well i also have the P5A from ASUS (Rev 1.03) and apart from not shutting down itself (have just enabled APM to see if it works) it does not reboot @ shutdown what is your bios version/mobo revision?