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About thephatness

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  1. thephatness

    Java Virtual Machine no longer available for XP?

    Some links...Google Groups are your friend! -=ThePhatness =================== For 9x, ME, NT, XP msjavx86.exe is available currently through a number of ftp sites such as those listed here: http://ftp.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/systems/win95/fixes/VM/msjavx86.exe ftp://ftp.redcom.mu/pub/support/windows/corporate/8.04/winxp/en/com micro soft.internetexplorer6x/x86WinXP/com microsoft.javavm 3319 MIL 4275/MSJav x86.exe ftp://ftp.uq.edu.au/mirror/microsoft/patches/winxp/javavm 3319 MIL 4275/M SJavx86.exe ftp://ftp.intergraph.com/ingr/pub/old/pub/federal/msjavx86.exe (probable, but not positive that this is 3805) http://www.alltheweb.com/go/2/H/ftp/ftp/ftp.euroweb.hu/pub/euroweb/neopho ne/msjavx86.exe http://www.alltheweb.com/go/6/H/ftp/ftp/ftp.univ-paris1.fr/pub/pc/correct ifs/winxp/msjavx86.exe http://www.alltheweb.com/go/13/H/ftp/ftp/ftp.cert.dfn.de/pub/vendor/micro soft/msjava/Security Bulletins/msjavx86.exe http://www.alltheweb.com/go/7/H/ftp/ftp/ftp.sunet.se/pub2/security/vendor /microsoft/msjava/Security Bulletins/msjavx86.exe On other ftp sites, be sure and download the 5473KB version to get Version 3805. Regards, Jim Byrd
  2. thephatness

    Java Virtual Machine no longer available for XP?

    It is still available to download. You just have to find it... Go to http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp. Click on Personalize Windows Update. Check "Display the link to the Windows Update Catalog under See Also" Save Settings. Click on Windows Update Catalog. Find updates for Microsoft Windows operating systems. Windows XP. Search. I believe it will be listed under Recommended Updates. I just did a new installation last week and this is where I got it from. -=ThePhatness
  3. thephatness

    Adaptec Easy CD-Creator 4.02 & Win2000

    My goodness the Adaptec people really do have their heads up their arses. =) Here's all the useful info I got from the discussion on "alt.comp.periphs.cdr". "We appear to be getting issues on Windows 2000 where the user has 4.01 when up[censored], the problem does not happen if they have 4.00. Someone elsewhere has suggested a fix which appears to be helping people, maybe it will help you as well. We are collecting all the info we can and will replace the update patch shortly. -- Best regards, Adrian Miller (On behalf of the Adaptec Software Products Group)"
  4. thephatness

    Adaptec DirectCD 3.01 patch

    Seeing how the Easy CD Creator 4.02 patch is still preventing people from rebooting, I'd like to hear how the DCD 3.01 patch has been going through. I only have Easy CD Creator 4.01 installed and can't install DCD 3.0 that came with the Deluxe version cause it says it's not made for Win2k yet. So how am I supposed to patch something I can't install? Or does it verify that Easy CD 4 is installed and then ask for the DCD 3.0 installation files?
  5. thephatness

    Profile directory names

    How do you rename the profile directories under "Documents and Settings"? I've reinstalled Win2k several times and kept existing profile directories and it has created new weird directory names like Administrator.Computername.000 and All Users.WINNT. Actually with all the troubles I've had with the EZCD Creator patch I'm sticking to the "don't fix it if it ain't broken" philosophy. So since it's working fine under weird directory name I'm not really serious about changing that but I'm just curious about if anyone knows how to do it. Thanks.
  6. thephatness

    Can't restart after installing EZCDcreator 4.02 Patch

    Yeah, I did a clean install, got the Deluxe patch for the Deluxe installation and didn't have DirectCD3 installed. I didn't check for the ASPI but is it really necessary? Actually, I'm just waiting for the Direct CD patch to come out because EZCD Creator 4.01 works fine for my HP 9200i so I'm not going to risk breaking this install anymore with another patch. Hopefully the DirectCD patch won't do the same!
  7. This just ruined my day. I installed the 4.02 patch and then I couldn't restart. The boot up process took forever and then I got a BSOD that said there was paging problems in non-paged area. I then reinstalled Win2k and then just installed EZCD creator and the patch with nothing else on the system and the same thing happened. ARGH!!
  8. thephatness

    yeah baby!! Logitech official drivers for wink

    I'm also having troubles installing the new drivers. I've had 8.62 installed but I couldn't get the Mouse Control Center to come up. So when I uninstalled it and installed 9.0, rebooted, and started up, I got a "new hardware detected" message and then it said that it didn't finish installing the drivers. I saw a little mouse icon popup in the system tray for a split second and then it disappeared. Doesn't look like it wants to run em_exec.exe. So I just manually installed just the drivers as specified in the readme.txt and that's all I can do for now. Anyone know how I can get the Mouse Control Center working? I've restarted many times, uninstalling stuff and reinstalling but can't get the drivers to work.