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Grievous Angel

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About Grievous Angel

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  1. Grievous Angel

    Star Wars Rogue Squadron Joystick Problem

    It was recently reported on this site that Star Wars Rogue Squadron works under Win 2000. I can get the game to run on my machine with a Voodoo 2 and Glide drivers, but the joystick will not work in the game. I have other games that I run under Win 2000 where the joystick works fine. It's very frustrating that the game runs fine, but I'm forced to fly around using the keyboard! Anyone else have this problem or know of a work around?
  2. Grievous Angel

    MIDI Keyboard with Dell SBlive Drivers

    Shrink: My line in under the panning source is grayed out, but it does seem to work because I have a TV card plugged into that also. My MIDI keyboard is now working as well! I don't know how, but after my last re-boot, the "Options" button now appears in the Creative Keyboard app, and after setting the correct MIDI input, I can now use the MIDI keyboard to play notes with it. I'm not sure what fixed it, but I'm happy!
  3. Grievous Angel

    MIDI Keyboard with Dell SBlive Drivers

    Shrink: Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, does your Keyboard app work with a MIDI keyboard attached? The app works for me if I use the mouse to press the piano keys, but my MIDI keyboard can no longer control the app like it does under Win 98.
  4. Grievous Angel

    MIDI Keyboard with Dell SBlive Drivers

    I installed the Dell SBlive drivers and everything seems to be working, with the exception of my MIDI keyboard. Under Win98, I can open the Creative Keyboard app and use that to play music. Using these drivers under Win 2000, the Creative Keyboard app doesn't work with the keyboard. Under Win98, this app has an "Options" button in the lower left corner, that does not appear under Win 2000 for some reason, so this may have something to do with the problem. Does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone else tried to use a MIDI device with these new drivers? Thanks