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Everything posted by allvtec21m

  1. allvtec21m

    shut down problem with 98se

    wow thats messed up how did you fix it? it sucks cause no one here but me will take the time to reboot into 2000 and shut down they just hit the power botton then when i go to turn the computer on scan disk runs and finds errors
  2. allvtec21m

    shut down problem with 98se

    ya i went and tried we downloading it, it installed and reboots fine but i tried to shut down and it just hangs, anyone have any ideas, when i go to shut down now i restart out of windows 98 boot into 2000 and then shut down from there
  3. allvtec21m

    Diff. Win2000 2195 and "final release" ...

    so i take it you didnt have the answer but found a need to comment on something, maybe i should just call the computer store that i got mine from and ask them, probley get more help from them anyways
  4. allvtec21m

    Start-menu Messed up

    thank you very much http://welcome.to/intelinside
  5. allvtec21m

    Start-menu Messed up

    i still have this problem in my favorit for IE but it did go away for start menu
  6. allvtec21m

    Diff. Win2000 2195 and "final release" ...

    how do you know if you have a time bomb version?
  7. allvtec21m

    cdrwin 3.8a and windows 2000

    i guess when adaptec makes direct cd and ez cd updates for windows 2000 it will fix that problem http://www.adaptec.com/support/overview/win2kmain.html
  8. allvtec21m

    Start-menu Messed up

    thanks that was getting under my skin also was bugging the **** out of me http://welcome.to/intelinside
  9. allvtec21m

    realaudio 98 or nt4 for windows 2000

    which one is the best to install for windows 2000
  10. allvtec21m

    cdrwin 3.8a and windows 2000

    that link dosnt work
  11. allvtec21m

    HighPoint Drivers?

    dont know about other people but i ran into tons of system problems with the 1.21 on install, 1.22 work really good
  12. allvtec21m

    CD RW aspi / win 2000

    anyone get this to work with out having to be a macgiber? http://members.home.com/mlafreniere1/
  13. allvtec21m

    CD RW aspi / win 2000

    thanks but that wasnt really the answer that i was looking for
  14. allvtec21m

    Hard freeze with win2000

    i have the same problem you have to disable active desktop, after i disabled it i didnt freez up no more i have p3 600eb abit be6 2 motherboard 128mb pc 133 v3 3500 tv agp go to my amiture gaming web page to see my complet system http://welcome.to/intelinside
  15. i read this today off of bluesnews.com Windows 2000 Update - Revisited [loonyboi-1:39 PM EST - 1 Comment] The Windows 2000 compatibility update that was released last Friday (story) on Microsoft's Windows Update site, has been posted as a separate download (thanks Oleg Troyko). The update adds compatibility with a whopping 48 programs, many of which are popular games. this is the download address http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/deployment/appcompat/default.asp was this the same update that was on the windows 2000 update page?
  16. allvtec21m

    anyone download the windows 2000 update?

    so since i downloaded the one off the windows 2000 update page i dont need to download this one?
  17. allvtec21m

    CD RW aspi / win 2000

    anyone get this to work with out having to be a macgiber? http://members.home.com/mlafreniere1/
  18. allvtec21m

    dual boot

    i have win98 and 2000 installed onto c: i have 2 questions question 1: do i scandisk and defrag with win98 or win2000? question 2: after i installed windows 2000 i went back to windows 98 and i installed adaptec easy cd creator deluxe 4 for my hp 9100 cd rw, installations in the past have giving me a system file error please restore and the file to restore would be winaspi.dll, now to fix this i would just go to system info under start/programs/accessories/system tools/system information but now that i have 2000 installed i get a error message saying "this application or dll can not be loaded on windows 95 or on windows 3.1 it takes advantage of unicode features only available on windows nt" then i get one more error saying the mfc4u.dll file cannot start. ceck the file to determine the problem how do i fix this cause everytime i boot up in windows 98 i get systle file error windows/system/winaspi.dll and like i said the way i use to fix this was just use system file checker from the system information and restore it from the 98 cd thank you i hope someone can help