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About tdavie

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  1. I took my Audigy Platinum back to the store that I bought it from and exchanged it for another copy. Installed that, and everything works like a charm; remote center, front inputs, etc. My guess is thateither the drive data cable or power cable was faulty. Now all I have to do is figure out how th remote works. thanks for all those who posted and emailed help. Tom
  2. I have the Platinum, and not the Platinum EX, but I follled the installation instructiuons for the platinum exactly as dexcribed under that knowledge base answer. For the hec of it, I removed my drive and card, and then reinstalled them, noting whether the drive bay would ever work at any stage of driver instakllation (it didn't). Back to the store for another copy tomorrow. Thanks for the pointers. They are much appreciated. Tom
  3. I installed the drive bay with the cables hooked up properly, and then popped in the sound card hooking up the cables from ther drive bay to it. Of course, before installing the card and bay, I removed all traces of my previous sound card. So, I rebooted, Windows XP Pro detects the new sound card, and I cancel out of the installation, instead installing from the CD. Everything installs properly, I reboot and then install the Audigy upgrade and reboot again. Sound works properly, but the remote center doesn't, and neither does anything on the front drive bay. Specifically, I tested the headphone output and no go. Any ideas gladly accepted. thanks Tom
  4. I've picked up an Audigy Platinum, but have not yet installed it. I've got the drivers that have come with the card, the update drivers for XP from Creative and the 'leaked' 67 Mb Liveware 3 software set. Hard drives are freshly defragged, plenty of space, and have 4 IRQ's free. Any davice gladly accepted. thanks very much. Tom
  5. For a while, I'd assumed that a lot of the negativity that Creative Labs had gathered was at least partially due to the fact that they were market leader. But, of course as the time for my sound card purchase draws nearer, I grow a little bit more paranoid. The connectivity is a must. I've got to have 2 line inputs; one for a tv tuner card, and another for an am/fm radio I've got permamnently hooked up as well. I was set to buy the Santa Crus, until I read that the Versa jack (which doubles as the second line in), is also the headphone jack. No go for me. I started to realize that I was left with the Game Theater XP or the Audigy Platinum/ Platinum EX. I can't find any stores that sell the GTXP, so that pretty much leaves the Audigy (but then a small voice syats that I don't really need four channel sound in any games....). My head is about to explode from all of the choices and information. Tom
  6. I'm looking for recommendations for a good 4 channel sound card that works under XP Pro. Currently, I've got an Aureal Vortex 2 SQ 2500, and no matter the hoops that I've jumped through, I can not get 4 channels of sound. So, I'm looking for a new sound card. Requirements are; 1) That it works with 4 channels of sound under XP Pro 2) Good mp3 playback 3) Stable drivers The *only* card that has come highly recommended so far is the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. I've been told to stay away from the Audigy Platinum and the Hercules Game Theatre XP. A pity, since I could really use the extra connectivity. Anyone have any good experiences to report? thanks for any info. Tom
  7. tdavie

    Aureal Drivers

    I downloaded and installed the drivers last night. I don't know about 4 channel sound (only have a 2 speaker setup), but A3D works for me. Tom