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Everything posted by acidspray

  1. FYI... Running it gets you this: "shock2.exe has generated errors, and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart this program. " So, has anyone figured a workaround? ------------------ -AciD >-----------------------< Hardware: BP6 running QQ Beta BIOS Dual Celeron 366 @ 566MHZ 128MB Samsung -GL IBM UDMA66 13.6g WDC UDMA33 5.1g Toshiba 32x OTI Socrates 2x2x6x V3-2000-AGP clocked @ 166 SB AWE64 Value Hayes V90 Int. Spk Phone >-----------------------< Software: Win2K Pro Retail (2195) Office 2000 Premium NA ViruScan NT 4.03a Mobo Monitor 4.10
  2. acidspray

    Anyone got problems with voodoo3 retail drivers for win2k

    my only problem with them is that they still don't support dual cpu with their sh*tty-@ss drivers..... ------------------ -AciD >-----------------------< Hardware: BP6 running QQ Beta BIOS Dual Celeron 366 @ 566MHZ 128MB Samsung -GL IBM UDMA66 13.6g WDC UDMA33 5.1g Toshiba 32x OTI Socrates 2x2x6x V3-2000-AGP clocked @ 166 SB AWE64 Value Hayes V90 Int. Spk Phone >-----------------------< Software: Win2K Pro Retail (2195) Office 2000 Premium NA ViruScan NT 4.03a Mobo Monitor 4.10
  3. acidspray

    How do I make W2K boot disks?

    whoops, posted a link in answer to this question in another forum and the moderator nuked it, so i'll voluntarily take the link down here... try an ftp search for boot disk, of course after 24 hours, please purchase the software if you like it. [This message has been edited by acidspray (edited 13 March 2000).]
  4. acidspray

    Hard freeze with win2000

    damn sig.... ------------------ -AciD >-----------------------< Hardware: BP6 running QQ Beta BIOS Dual Celeron 366 @ 566MHZ 128MB Samsung -GL IBM UDMA66 13.6g WDC UDMA33 5.1g Toshiba 32x OTI Socrates 2x2x6x V3-2000-AGP clocked @ 166 SB AWE64 Value Hayes V90 Int. Spk Phone >-----------------------< Software: Win2K Pro Retail (2195) Office 2000 Premium NA ViruScan NT 4.03a Mobo Monitor 4.10
  5. acidspray

    Hard freeze with win2000

    No Geforce, no AMD, no VIA, just plain old system noted below... Random lockups seem to happen when online, with IE5 open, and some sort of multimedia going on (mp3, mpg, etc). Maybe a download too on occasion... Pretty infrequent however, maybe 2-3 a week with moderate daily usage. Mouse and keyboard are gone, other than that, system seems undisturbed (mp3/mpg keeps playing, etc). Weird.
  6. acidspray

    Bootdisk for win2000 pro final!!

    One could also use an FTP search engine and come across this: ** Removed. This is not a warez board. ** Welcome. -AciD [This message has been edited by Philipp (edited 12 March 2000).]
  7. acidspray

    MS Sidewinder Pro USB gamepad/Win2K

    It detects the thing, but you don't get any of the special support without loading the MS software. Of course, I load the MS software, and all of a sudden my computer takes 5 minutes to shutdown instead of 10 seconds. Anyone seen this? -AciD
  8. acidspray

    MS Sidewinder Pro USB gamepad/Win2K

    Software is out, controller is out...controller is returned, hand is out...wallet is out, money goes back in... for once...temporarily. -AciD
  9. acidspray

    Win2k will not shut down.

    just a shot in the dark...happened to me when I installed MS Sidewinder Gamepad Pro USB software. It actually did shut down after about 5 minutes, but it wasn't worth it, uninstalled software and it went away... -AciD [This message has been edited by acidspray (edited 10 March 2000).]
  10. acidspray

    W2K Constant Disk Access

    Yea, I get this too, though I have no SCSI devices. Only on occasion however, and it starts just as the Win2k login screen comes up, hard drive just takes off <clickity, click, click> through loading my settings, and startup proggies...must be 30-40 seconds maybe more where you can't even access the system though the desktop is there. Finally, it subsides and it's business as usual from there. What's this indexing about? -AciD
  11. acidspray

    Lexmark Drivers!!

    if you get anywhere withthe Z11, please let me (us) know. I've got one of those collecting dust, and I'd like to have it back. Pysched to see that it does communnicate however, thanks! -AciD
  12. They are all pissing me off! I originally had an HP 660C inkjet, which is basically useless now, doesn't print worth a damn. Stupid thing gets so dirty inside with ink (cleaned it bi-monthly, and only light use). I "upgraded" to a Lexmark Z11 which I was actually really happy with (except for black/color cartridge swapping), until I upgraded to NT4 and then Win2k. No support for either OS with that printer. Now I got ahold of a Canon BJC-6000, and I'm happy again. Whoops, almost forgot Diamond...have their Monster Sound MX-200...paperweight too, no NT or Win2K support. Had to go back to my AWE64, good old Creative, works everytime. Time to post some Ebay items..... -AciD
  13. acidspray

    Abit BP6, Win2k and APM

    Harkening back to Win98, under System devices, I recall an APM entry under there. I do not see it under Win2k, and am wondering if it is a coincidence that with that entry missing Win2k is not able to power off my computer with the software. No matter what I put in BIOS (running the latest QQ beta) for override power button, or PM settings, I can't get the soft-off feature to enable. I always wind up having to power off with the button (for 5 seconds). Also, it seems my "Power Options" under control panel is limited. No "Standby" is offered, Hibernation is there, but when I try to go into Hibernation (from Start menu) it tells me something like "Driver for Secondary IDE device is preventing the system from entering Hibernation, please close all programs and try again, otherwise this driver may need up[censored]". I close everything (within reason) and try again, and I get the same mesage... Anybody have any clues for me? Thanks, -AciD [This message has been edited by acidspray (edited 03 March 2000).] [This message has been edited by acidspray (edited 03 March 2000).]
  14. acidspray

    Abit BP6, Win2k and APM

    Right on, I'll hang onto the UDMA66 for now myself. Rumor has it Abit is working with HPT to correct the problem in the final release of the QQ bios. We'll see, thanks for the help, -AciD
  15. acidspray

    Abit BP6, Win2k and APM

    Thanks all, particularly Morillo and Viper. You guys nailed it. I, lets say, refreshed my Win2K install by going through setup again and hitting the F5 and F6 as recommended. I've now got ACPI installed and working. Woohoo, mouse button starts the system, software shuts it down. Still have that lingering message when I try to hibernate however, that is, an error message syaing my secondary IDE driver is interfering with hibernation, and it tells me to shut programs down and try again, or I may need a driver update...weird. Any other BP6 dualy users have this problem? Thanks again! -AciD
  16. acidspray

    Nero 4.083 + Win 2k Pro. = Rebooting System

    I don't know jack about configuring Nero et al. What I do know is that I did nothing special installing Nero 4.083 (typical install) and it works fine for me under Win2kPro. Lucky, I guess..not typical for me. <knock, knock (on wood)> -AciD
  17. acidspray

    Lexmark Win2K Drivers

    Back in October, I bought a Z-11 printer. November rolled around, I got in a dual processor rig, and had to go NT4. I was dismayed the Z11 drivers did not support NT, and I contacted them. They were very prompt and courteous, but basically they said it was unlikely that I would see NT support for the Z-11. I then asked about the looming Win2K OS, and they said probably the consumer version (don't know if they meant Mil or Pro), but they really wanted me to call Customer Service about trading in the Z-11 for something that supported NT at the time, 3200 or Z-31, Z-51 etc. I did not do that at that time, as I was dual booting NT4 and Win98SE and could print from 98 just fine. I contacted them recently about drivers for Win2k again, and they didn;t give me a definite answer once again, and pointed me to http://drivers.lexmark.com for the current status of all their drivers. Now that I am not dual booting W98, the printer is a paperweight, and I was interested in their "exchange" deal. So, I contacted them about that again. They told me that they had no such program, and I should contact my POP with this issue. I replied back saying this was not what I was told, and referred them to the text within that same email thread re: the "exchange" deal. I have received no response since, whereas responses usually rolled in same day. Sux, -AciD But my guestion is whether Lexmark is helpful at providing help for their customers concerning 3200 and their Zxx series printers.....[/b]