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Everything posted by Ge0ph

  1. If IPForwarding is not enabled you may have to follow these steps at this link. http://www.windows2000faq.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=16532 After that you will have another tab on you network properties, and it's easy from there on.
  2. Ge0ph

    Best CD-Ripper for 2k??

    I use Audio Grabber with the Lame encoder. I has lots of featurs.
  3. So you gave up at ARS and thought you would come pimping over here.
  4. Ge0ph

    Full Tower anyone?

    I have a DVD in one and my hard drives are in the others. I have bay fans on all of my hard drives, that's why they are in the 5 1/4 bays.
  5. Ok, I'm going to be different. I use a program called "Click and Burn". I got it primaraly for the mp3 to CD aspect. And it's great at that. I have used EZCD and Nero but I like this program better then either.
  6. Ge0ph

    Win2k installation question

    I would change it before. But after changing it make sure NT4 has booted and is running with no porblems or errors. Then upgrade. I am just guessing though but this is what makes sence to me.
  7. Ge0ph

    Windows 2000 message boards

    I also visit www.arstechnica.com/
  8. Ge0ph

    Poll: Why do you use Win2k?

    What Four and Twenty said.
  9. This link http://arstechnica.com/tweak/nt/ntservices-1.html has some good info about what services you can disable. It was written for NT4 but it still hold true for W2k.
  10. It's in your bios. If your bios does not have this feature you may need to flash your bios. If you don't want to or can't flash your bios to add this feature then what you got is what you got.
  11. Ge0ph

    Optimizing the Page File

    You can find some good reading on the subject at http://arstechnica.com/tweak/nt/pagefile-1.html
  12. Ge0ph

    ramdisking in Win2k pro?

    RamDiskNT at www.jlajoie.com/ramdskNT has some specail fetures just for doing this. I'm not sure about other ramdisk's. I think W2k and NT forces you to have at least a 2mb page file on the root drive (?) but other then that, yes it will work. I've been running mine without a single crash or problem.
  13. Ge0ph

    ramdisking in Win2k pro?

    It's not on every tweak site but it is on some. You can find some good reading on the subject at http://arstechnica.com/tweak/nt/pagefile-1.html And yes, it does not matter how much memory you have, Windows will use the page file. Windows does not wait until it runs out of physical memory before it uses the page file. It will use the page file all the time, so the trick is to make that page file as fast as possable. Most put it on a seperate and faster hard disk. A ramdisk is doing just that. There is no hard disk faster then a ramdisk. This just forces Windows to use your memory instead of your hard drive. And that is faster. Really it is.
  14. Ge0ph

    ramdisking in Win2k pro?

    EddiE314, I think you are right and wrong. Windows of any flavor will use a swap file long before it runs out of physical memory. If your system runs great with 256 megs of ram why not use the other 256 for a swap file (which is BTW a lot faster). If you have less then 384 megs of ram then it is worthless. But no, my system does not crash and it is faster (a lot faster). BTW are you still using a dynamic swap file? Windows will always swap so it will improve performance if it swaps to a faster ramdisk but only if you have a lot of memorey. If you have less then 384 then don't even try it. If you have somewhere in the 1gig range it will make a 500 feel like a 800. I always start my page file at 32 megs. This forces Windows to use more memory then page file. If after running it for a while I run out of vurtual memory I will up the size 16 meg at a time. If I run out of vurtual memory Windows tells me but it has never crashed because of it. Memory is cheap, take advantage of it.
  15. Thanks EM, Thats the site I was looking for. It seems to be the best.
  16. Very interesting. The site could not detect my IP right (detected different IP's each time or no IP at all) and then it said I had a security problem and a trojin horse. And amazingly their solution was to buy their software. BTW, I am behind a hardware firewall and I do not have a trojin. I checked. The scan it did was wrong on every account. Well it said I had ports open, of course I do, I have a web server,ftp,and a mail server. It failed to tell me what ports I have open, now that's helpful. I'm sure it's the ports I opened. It even said I did not have a virus scanner on my system. I have tred (the best in my opinion) across my network. If you want a real test of your system try www.portdetective.com/ Their is also another site that is even better but I can't remember the url right now. Does any one else know of some other's?
  17. Ge0ph

    ramdisking in Win2k pro?

    Yes you can do it in W2k. I'm doing it right now. I use RamDiskNT from http://www.jlajoie.com/ramdskNT/ and it has done wonders for my system. It will let you set up a drive formated as NTFS and then set you page file on that ramdisk.
  18. Ge0ph

    ramdisking in Win2k pro?

    I use RamDiskNT from http://www.jlajoie.com/ramdskNT/ and it has done wonders for my system. It will let you set up a drive formated as NTFS and then set you page file on that ramdisk. Combined with my dual system it is sweet.
  19. Ge0ph

    Games freeze after 1-2 hours of play?

    I still say it's the overclocking.
  20. Ge0ph

    where has "msconfig" gone?

    Anybody seen "World Gone Wild" with Bruce Dern? Now that movie is seriously f**ked up. One of my favorites.
  21. Ge0ph

    Vibrating Hard Disks!

    DeadCats, that's a good sugestion, better then what I thought of. I was just going to have him send me the extra hard drive. That way I would have more disk space and he would have less OMMMMMMMM.
  22. Ge0ph

    where has "msconfig" gone?

    Yes, but this topic is more interesting then what we started with. [This message has been edited by Ge0ph (edited 24 December 2000).]
  23. Ge0ph

    Abit VP6 + Celeron FCPGA = Will it work?

    The way I understand it is "Yes", but only one. If you want to go dual you will have to get PIII's. I will be getting a VP6 with two 800's to replace my BP6 with two 400's. But i am waiting to be sure I get a revision 2 board because I read the 1's may have issues with nVidea cards.
  24. Ge0ph

    Mail server program for a small network??

    I use "Internet Anywhere Mail Server" for both my internal and external mail. You can get it at www.tnsoft.com/
  25. I am going to guess the 60gig is a Maxtor, and if so, I think the transfer rate of the Maxtor 60gig is not guite up to snuff. It could be a timing problem between the drives. About saving your data, you could be horked. Can you get any files copied before it crashes? If so, start with the high priority ones and hope you get it all before it's to late. Another problem could be that the 60gig is on the same channel as one of the other drives and the controler freaks out. Try grabbing a Promise Ultra66(they are cheap) and put the 60 gig on that controler. That alone could solve your problem. Good luck (