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Everything posted by Ge0ph

  1. Ge0ph

    Faster Startup

    Considering I only reboot my box every 2 or 3 weeks, I really don't care how long it takes. The reason I can go that long between reboots is because W2k is so stable, and one of the reasons it is so stable is because of the SFC. I think I will leave mine alone.
  2. Ge0ph

    Best DSL/Cable router?

    I use the Linksys DSL/router. It's very basic but it seems to do a good job. And it' s easyer to set up then a Linux box and it's a lot cheaper.
  3. Ge0ph

    TO people with the linksys router

    Mine works flawlessly. Have you changed any of the Advanced Filtering settings? It sounds like you have blocked all traffic through the router. Also you might want to try to reset it. [This message has been edited by Ge0ph (edited 26 June 2000).]
  4. Ge0ph

    Linksys Router/FTP server

    Did you turn on the ftp port(port 21)in the advanced setting >forwarding on your router? I have this router also and it's one of the best toy's I have bought myself in a long time.
  5. Ge0ph

    LinkSys router

    I got one from Tigerdirect for $170. It's one of the coolest gadgets I've bought in a long time. They also have a cool print server and the gigadrive looks good too.
  6. Ge0ph

    This My Home Network.........is it Safe?

    Or you could connect your DSL with a second nic, then you should turn off all bindings to that nic except TCP/IP. In the TCP/IP properties go to advanced and in the WINS tab choose the "Disable NetBios over TCP/IP. This is not as good as a full firewall but it is a lot better then what you have.
  7. Ge0ph

    anyone know of a way to customize

    There is a program called TClock that will let you change the start button and the side bar for the start menu. It does other stuff too. I can't find the url right now, anyone? Also Windowblinds can change the start button too.
  8. Ge0ph

    Ontrack System Suite 2000

    I have used Fix-It on 7 seperate computers with NT, W2k, Win9x and have had zero problems with it. How ever I have not used the system suite so the problem could be with the suite and not with Fix-It.
  9. If "fixboot" does not work, try "fixmbr".
  10. It even fixed it on my SOYO 5EMA+ board!!!
  11. Ge0ph

    Black monitor with K7V + GeForce

    What pr-man said!
  12. Ge0ph

    Black monitor with K7V + GeForce

    I had the same thing happen with my Gforce and SOYO board. I was even getting problems in Win9x. I played with my AGP settings in bios and finaly got it to work in Win9x but I have not reinstalled W2k yet.
  13. Ge0ph

    W2K & TNT2 & Lockups

    I have a Gforce DDR and I removed it and put my Banshee back in because of the lockups. The Gforce is going into a new machine I am building and I am hopeing I will not get lockups with a fresh install of W2k on the new machine.
  14. Ge0ph

    Windows2000 System Disk?

    From a DOS prompt on a Win9x machine type "format a: /s". And then boot from that disk.
  15. Ge0ph

    HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

    I just went through this same thing. I had to start it up with the old motherboard and then change the IDE controler drivers to a default driver and then it would boot with the new motherboard.
  16. Ge0ph

    Soyo SY-5EMA+ & Win2000

    I have had my SY-5EMA+ for about a year and have not updated the bios yet. I just had to go into the bios and enable USB and every thing works great.
  17. Another thing it could be is you are running one of the first copys that was available for download or through MSDN. Those copys still had the beta debugger code in (they forgot to remove it befor release of those copys). If this is the case then you need to install the retail version to get rid of the debugger.
  18. Ge0ph

    Nortons 2000 and win 2k

    Fix IT Utilites is NOT a norton thing. It is made by Ontrack (you know the people who make PowerDesk)and used Trend virus software. It is very good and does not @#%$ up you system.
  19. Ge0ph

    Nortons 2000 and win 2k

    MY vote is for Fix It Utilites 2000. I have never had any trouble with it and it does a real good job.
  20. Ge0ph

    Partition Magic (again)

    I really like Partition Magic, I've used it since version 1 with OS/2. But I find it very amazing that a 30meg download only produced a few disks. I have always defended PowerQuest but this time I just don't see how I can. This is just ridicules.
  21. Partition Magic 5 will not install on W2k. If you really need the 5.01 patch try paying for it. It really doesn't cost that much.
  22. Do you have a high quality power supply? I don't have an Athalon but I have read that the power supply can be the root of a lot of these problems.
  23. Ge0ph

    CD Copier Gamers Edition 2.0

    When I tried CD copier on W2k RC2 and it blew up I just booted into safe mode and uninstalled the program. Then I sent an email to IMSI. They said that because of the differces in W2k there would not be a patch and maybe a future version will support W2k. Maybe! I can't find the email now so this is just from memory but it does not look good.
  24. Ge0ph

    Which is fastest, NTFS or FAT32?

    You should put your data on a different partition. Doing so makes backups and disaster recovery alot easier. Some might say FAT32 is better for your data parition but I prefer NTFS just for the extra features it gives you.
  25. Ge0ph

    Need help to set up ADSL connection in W2K

    My DSL is an external and just plugs into a nic in my computer. I just set up the nic using the static IP and gateway that my ISP gave me. Really no more to it then that.