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    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I havent seen 98 in about a year now.

    Should MS be broken UP?

    There invading Anti Trust laws that were set in 1805 when people use to pick cotton and raise horses. Accually I dont know when the Anti Trust Law came about.
  3. Asking 250$ or highest bidder. Brand new in the box, with all papers, and intel sticker. e-mail me tldtms@bellsouth.net

    Frontpage 2000 and Win2k...strange thing.

    same thing happends to me

    Adding a faster CPU.

    You wouldnt happen to have 450 xeons would you? I'm looking for one

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    then go here...and then there.....click your heels 3 times and BOOM!!

    NTFS to FAT32?

    I some gamers are ready. I dont mean to flame you but you should have thought about installing win2k, and did some research in your system before you installed it. I'm the biggest gamer of them all. I'm 20 years old, I have a 450xeon 256megs of ram, SB live, Voodoo 3000, and all games like quake 3 and UT run great, and even better then 98. Your right, its not for the gamers who download win2k off the internet and decided to upgrade overnight. Windows 2k is a brand new OS, and not everyone can use it.

    EAX not working correct

    OK go to your run menu and type in DXDIAG. Go to the sound tab and look for a slider at the bottom. Should say something like preformence of some ****. Anyways slide it all the way to the right. Worked for me...\ -TLD

    SMP Question.....

    No really I never thought I had a duel system. When I got it from gateway 2 years ago they said that it wasent a duel. But I opened it up after seeing a nice price for a xeon on ebay($162). Anyways i didnt know that it had a dummy card. I thought it would just be an open slot. Guess I was wrong. Anyways thanks for the help guys.
  10. TLDTMS

    SMP Question.....

    Thanks chopper. I was pretty sure that I could add another one, I just wanted to make sure before i forked out the cash. As for you Mr. Yellow. I see you like to give smart ass comments on the board. Thats all good but back in the old days when there was no INTERNET (Arpernet, government only) there were also no assholes like you. GOd the good ol BBS days.
  11. TLDTMS

    SMP Question.....

    Hi, I am thinking about adding another xeon chip to my motherboard. The reason why I am here is becasue I'm really not sure if I can. I opened up my computer and found 2 slots where processors can go. One was filled of course, but the other one had sort of a dummy card in there?.. I took it out and tried starting up my computer but it wouldnt turn on. Is this just a dummy card? Can I add another chip?...My device manager says ACPI Uniprocessors pc. Any help would be great! TLD
  12. TLDTMS

    Networking Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You need to record the exact username and password that you log into on the 98 machine, and plug that into 2000's user database