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Everything posted by Arin

  1. How the fuck do I delete stickey keys forever. I fuckin loath it.
  2. Arin

    How do I get rid of stickey keys?

    sweet. Last night I was drunk as shit, heald down the shift key to select all my junk mail to delete, got the stickey key menu, hit enter w/o thinking and I was then unable to use ANY keys on my keyboard so I got furious and smashed the keyboard and restarted.
  3. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    No.. I dont have the permissions. its an office computer and I didnt wanna ask IT kuz his wife just passed away.... Fuck it... The machine is a POS anyways.
  4. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Fuckin didnt work one bit. loaded up the same resolution and hrz.
  5. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Good... okay... but how the hell do I set it back to 60 w/o getting another monitor? I need to enter via safemode, but, there appears to be none.
  6. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Fixed.... kinda. I took a 21 inch monitor early this morning before the others at work needed it. Why kinda? Well now I just get a desktop and no logon. so I cant change it back to the resolution I need..... Sigh.. I'll just let it sit for a while and see what happens.
  7. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    f8 didnt work either.
  8. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Quote: Simple fix. press spacebar now to "invoke last known good configuration" This is the best option whenyou muck up you video in NT 4. Doesnt work. I'll try the f8 deal.
  9. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Ugh.... I cant do any of that. When the computer boots into windows, it changes the resolution from the one being displayed while the system boots to the windows resolution, which, cannot be displayed. So, I cant see anything. it just says the source is out of range.... basically, the test screen type deal that comes up when your monitor is on but not plugged into the computer. I need to boot the computer w/ it loading it at the shitty default 640x480 w/ 16 colors.
  10. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Nobody knows how to get into safemode on an NT 4.0 box?
  11. Arin

    Help with drive recovery!!!

    I downlaoded a program called GetDataBack which got me everything back... and I mean EVERYTHING. www.getdataback.com
  12. Arin

    Safemode on Windows NT.

    Thats the first thing I tried. I still get the black screen with the 'scan out of range' error.
  13. Arin


    For the links posted above... some of the stuff is filterd out with *** And *****.... could someone post a text file of those on an off forum location so they arent filtered? Test: [censored] xxx fuck [censored] [censored]o
  14. I partitioned off a remaining 1.3gig partition from my 100 gig drive to be a dedicated swap file. But, now I constantly get that damn low disk space message! how do I get it to go away for that drive only!?
  15. Arin

    Dynamic Disk

    For a while now I have wondered what the "Convert to Dynamic Disk" option does.
  16. A harddrive on my mothers computer failed. Basically she told me that when she came back from stand by the computer said the same message I see every time I boot. "A disk error occured. Press ctrl+alt+del). I fiddled with it. restarted, took it out, put it back in. nothing. I figured it was done so I bought a new hardrive, installed xp and then went about seeing if I could get xp to reconize the drive. Well, the drive shows up but when you click on it it says its corrupt. Well. I would imagine that SOME of the drive is fucked up, but not the whole damn thing. So, is there any way to get any information back that was on the drive? Are there any probing tools that will help me to get into the drive and extract whats left or is it done? I feel so bad. My mom paid all this money to get ancestry shit and has been working on it for so long and BAM the shits done. I told her to back up but I dont think she really knows how. Help!
  17. Arin

    Hardrive failure (recovery ?)

    n/m found it all.
  18. Arin

    Hardrive failure (recovery ?)

    So... I got the program.... check out the drives.... everything is there... EXCEPT FOR THE FILES I WANTED! I needed to get the files in my moms profile (IE favorites and my documents) but, they were the only files not there.) WTF ;( ;( ;(
  19. Arin

    Hardrive failure (recovery ?)

    Wooo yeah! They had a free download of the program on their site. I must have looked over it. I'm running it now and it appears to be finding everything!
  20. Arin

    Hardrive failure (recovery ?)

    GDB is mad expensive, but I'm looking into it. Thanks guys!
  21. I have a few questions about duel monitor output. Here is what I want. I want my monitor to be my primary desktop. I want my tv to be my secondary desktop. I can do this fine but when I try to watch any video or movie on the tv the window just shows up black w/o the video feed. Now, if I clone my monitor with the nvidia Nview stuff I can see my desktop on both screens and I am able to watch the movie on the tv. But thats not what I want. I want to watch the movie on the tv and watch still use the computer on my monitor. How do I do this? I have windows xp and a geforce 4 w/ analog, digital, and s-video out with the latest nvidia drivers.
  22. Arin

    Duel monitor (monitor and TV)

    Works! Excellent!
  23. Arin

    Duel monitor (monitor and TV)

    Media player had the same deal
  24. I have 4 mapped drives on my computer that I use often from my school. I am stuck in a shitty building far away from the servers so the latancy is extreamly high. Whenever I view my computer, the system hangs for a while, sometimes it's VERY annoying. Is there away to keep the drives mapped but have them not look up the drive size and other information so I can simply open up my computer w/o having to pull information from the drives every damn time? Thanks!
  25. Nice tweak, but how bout the networked drives? Happen to have that hack on hand? BTW, life at school has been great. I finally dropped my physics major and picked up an information systems major. Smartest move ever for me! Physics was work work work work work! I've also been focusing alot of my time on photography as you can see via my webpage www.arinahnell.com