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Posts posted by Arin

  1. It is not the os, it is the mouse. The laser is not 100 accurate so sometimes (happense to me in 98, me, 2000, whistler) it just flys accrost the screen or wiggles because it is reflecting off the shiny surface of a hard mouse pad. It also may be the pattern on the mouse. It is just a small bug.

    The laggyness... that happened to me in sof in 2000 and CS in winme when running in dx mode with smoke flying around. I bet it is just your DX.

  2. Ok, let me get this out of my system.

    Had a lan party, Kid installed office 10 on my machine w/o telling me. I found it and tied to get rid of it because it is illegal, yes i know it is illegal, i am stating that right now. Anways, I cant get rid of it.


    When I first got it, it was put on my machine, the entire contents of the office 10 cd. They just dumped it to a folder on my computer. Anways, They installed it, and I later found out and went back and took off some of the other crap that came with the full install. later It kept crappin out on me. I thought it must be a bad install. I did not right away want to get rid of it cause I figured, I might as well take a look. I got the CD from him that had it and I deleted the directory on my computer that held all the files from the cd. Anways, I went to uninstall and hit uninstall. It went thru it's stuff and then restarted. Well i got back in and all the icons and stuff was still there! i went to add remove and it is still there to!!! I tried to uninstall it again but the same crap happened again!!!!

    Finaly i figured I will just reinstall it. I put in the cd and right away it asks what options i want to install. I chose them and hit next. Well then guess what! It is not looking on the cd but for that folder I deleted off my machine!!!


    WTF!!!! How do I get rid of it completely!?!?!?!?!?!? Someone please help!


  3. I am looking to trade or sell this motherboard.


    This motherboard is for the slot A AMD Athlon chip set.


    The reason I want to sell/trade this motherboard is because it is more for business rather than computer gaming which I did not know at the time I bought it. It is rock solid but not with a geforce 2 and games... I have only had problems in Counterstrike with my geforce setup but everything else is fast and smooth.




    Specs for the board.


    Here is a review of the board.



    If you are interested in this motherboard either to buy or trade please get in touch with me:





    Athalon 500

    196mb Ram

    3D prophet 2 geforce2 gts

    SB Live! sound card.

    biostar m7mka mobo

    20 gig maxtor and 3.5 gig fireball

    32x tosheba, and adaptec scsi mitsuia cdr 2x4x

    ms internet keyboard pro

    ms intellimouse explorer

    640k DSL on wintell modem with linksys dsl router

    100mbit dlink nic w/wol


    [This message has been edited by Arin (edited 18 October 2000).]

  4. In 7.43 minutes i was able to access your complete network. you are NOT safe. If i had been able to distroy your machine.


    I suggest that you get 3 linksys routers and put them in an autonomonus lan/wan configruation. This is what i do, but i have 8 routers and 2 bridges. My ip is completly firewalled and i also added a desniffer device that hacks people that are trying to hack me and puts a virus on their master boot record and completly screws them over. I have never been hacked. MUAHAHAHHAHAH.

  5. Here is what i did.


    I have dsl, and it is basicly the same as cable.


    Get a linksys dsl/cable router. On buy.com they are about 150.


    With the linksys router, you plug your modem into it, and then you plug your eithernet cards to it from all the different computers.


    It is fast and easy, and best of all, if you were to shutdown the computer everyone on the network is not affected like with the 2 nic solution.

  6. also i just read what this whole thing was actualy about, and that guy is totaly wrong. there are tons of errors in every operating system and it is usualy caused by an end user or companies not delivering drivers on time.


    if he had 2000 and went back to 98 he just downgraded 2 years! and totaly has more problems than he had in 2000.

  7. Making intel more wealthy will only bring goodness.


    Think about this.


    If you right now are content with the current speed of your processor and framerates on say quake 3 with it beafed up all the way, just emagin about 3 months down the road what games may come out.


    I am content with my stuff at 500 pumped up all the way that my monitor will handle in quake 3 but at times not. I still everyonce in a while get a drop in frames and that kinda sux, but the jump from quake 3 from 2 was so great in such a little amount of time and see what sof did with the quake 2 engine.


    If you have a gighrz processor just think about how much better the game would be. you could put it in the highest everything and not wory about anything bad. browsing your computer and doing things in photoshop will be so much faster.


    If you have ever rendered anything in photoshop that was huge, and you had a 500 processor and it took kinda long, just emagin how short it would take with a processor that was 1000.


    all i am trying to say is things will get better and better requires better stuff. planing ahead just keeps you up to date and gives you bragging rights at lan parties smile

  8. Also, I tried to install win2k again but I quit the install because there are problems with my mobo and installin win2k.


    Well now when ever I start the comptuer it gives me the option to do the setup!


    Is there a way to make this go away?

    If I dont get it to go away, then I cant use nortan 2000 auto protect frown
