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Posts posted by Arin

  1. Even still... how would I go about checking? I mean, it would atleast be worth my time to give it a shot. Another thing I thought of for myself was my own site. I cant ftp to it while I am at school because they block ports and I sometiems forget what all I have on there and in what directories. This would helpe me out.... (also comes in handy when I am looking for movies on those free movie sites wink )


    So how would I go about doing this?

  2. So I should set up all my non main drives as dynamic?


    I currently have the following:


    Disk 0

    111.79 GB NTFS Primary (Active)


    Disk 1

    019.53 GB NTFS Primary (System)

    170.38 GB NTFS Extended


    Disk 2

    009.77 GB NTFS Primary (Page File)

    009.77 GB NTFS Extended

    055.02 GB NTFS Extended


    Disk 3

    019.53 GB NTFS Primary


    Disk 4



    Disk 5



    Disk 6



    CD-ROM 0



    CD-ROM 1



    CD-ROM 2



    I have 4 drives on my raid channel (not running a raid setup)

    then my cd/dvd rom drives on my IDE channels


    Also, what does marking a partition Active do? I have no clue why my 120gb backup drive is active.

  3. One of my backup hardrives is split into 3 partitions:


    09.77 NTFS Primary

    09.77 NTFS Extended

    55.02 NTFS Extended


    A long time back it was my main drive and I had intended for it to be system/games/storage but I no longer use it for that. Right now I have it as a pagefile/games/photography.


    I would like to take my pagefile off that drive and make it two partitions.

    Basically 20/60. Is there a quick an easy way to do this or do I need to move all files from all partitions off of it, whipe it clean, and repartition it.

  4. I've noticed that TVtool 9 checks the internet to verify the key and username every once in a while. I don't know if it is also sending other information out. I'm a real freak when it comes to not giving out information and blocking connections I didnt want and didnt make... IE, I edited my HOSTS file to block out adds from all my applications, spywhere type things, and stuff like that. I would like to block this out too, but I cant seem to find the address with netstat..... Anyone know what the address is? Thanks!

  5. so, I was logged on my admin account, setting stuff in the group policy, basically trying to lock everything down, not realizing that it was actually locking it down for the administrator user's accounts.


    I can now not add group policy into MMC, so I am totally locked out. What do I do short or reformatting to fix this?


    I've tried creating power user accounts, loggin in under "administrator" but I still have no luck...


    This is poop! POOP!


    Someone help!

  6. For some reason, after I have xp installed for a little over a month, it begins to take so long to start up.


    I dont have many things starting up when I start up and even turing them off still leaves me waiting at the welcome screen for a while, expecially if my system crashes, in which case it could take over 5 mins to fully load up the desktop and stop all hardrive and processor activity.



    Any clue as to what could be going on?

  7. Up at college I build this beat old computer system for the living room. It plays all our media and serves as an emulator box so we can play all our old nintendo games. Slight problem.... it locks up alot.


    I thought it was a number of things but after the last few lockups I checked the event manager and saw a problem with ACPI.


    I get this error at the same time the computer crashes:


    AMLI: ACPI BIOS is attempting to read from an illegal IO port address (0xcfc), which lies in the 0xcf8 - 0xcff protected address range. This could lead to system instability.


    I get that error twice in the event manager and then the system locks up.

    So, scan I just shut off acpi to fix this problem? If so, how?



    Thanks in advance.











    Apparently I was mistaken. that ACPI error shows up when I first start up the computer an not right before I crash. Still, I think this may be the problem. I've already tried different ram and different video cards.

  8. Befor I start, I would like to say microsoft legaly mailed me the huge 12 od cd beta 2 kit so this is a legal copy and not a pirated version.



    I've recently noticed when I type emails, eventually while typing them the program will lock up my entire computer. I later found that microsoft word does the same, just takes longer. I have not had any problem in front page and I dont think I have used excell long enough at once to have it lock up. It also only seems to happen when I'm actually typing.


    As you can imagine this makes me quite furious at times, especially when the document is important. I've found my self typing and saving ever few seconds... also typing everything in note pad!


    So I figured, sure, it's just me, the programs worked before, maybe I just need to reformat and forget about it. Well reformatting time came and the problem is still here! I was over clocked so I decided to bump that down. I've only upped my FSB to a shitty 140fsb and it's still locking up the program (running corsair c2 xms pc3500 ram on a kt400 board) so I dont think its the overclocking at all.


    Am I the only one with this problem and is there a fix? Maybe there isnt a fix so is microsoft putting out a final version of the new office or a new beta version any time soon? I rarly check the beta website and I almost always skip right over the beta emails....


    Any suggestions? I dont wanna go back to office xp.

  9. sweet. laugh


    Last night I was drunk as shit, heald down the shift key to select all my junk mail to delete, got the stickey key menu, hit enter w/o thinking and I was then unable to use ANY keys on my keyboard so I got furious and smashed the keyboard and restarted.
