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Everything posted by Keslen

  1. Keslen

    network in win2k

    hey ironman you said you have dsl access but do you get your ip from a dhcp server (before win2k starts) or do you connect with PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) cause this later sucks really hard the only way i found to share web access is to use winroute 4.1 and set up a proxy server (NAT does not work either) if anyone had any knowledge of how to optimize PPPoE under win2k plz give your insights
  2. Hi y'all, I have serious trouble with SETI@HOME. Since I've been using win2k i've never been able to upload my finished units. I have a DSL connexion and i'm using RASPPPOE (yes PPPoE sucks but my provider is the only one in town) Now i've been told to set MTU from 1500 down to 1412. Would ne1 have an idea how to do this tweak under win2k ? I've searched the regustry and didn't any entry about MTU... thanx for your insights