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About Bigegg

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  1. Bigegg

    *DO NOT* Install IE 5.5!!!!!!!

    hmmm.. no probs with IE5.5 it's running like sweet chocolate errors?? mem exceps?? WHERE?????? I think the people who are against IE5.5 and saying it's full of bugs are 100% netscape compatible peeps. there is no other explanation
  2. Bigegg

    Professional vs server

    I'm using Win2000 server for about 2 weeks and my impression is, that it runs smoother than professional, browsing is faster and games are loading faster... And the extra services you don't need? Just stop them, admin tools, services... O well, that's my opinion about w2k server
  3. Bigegg

    satellite internet in win2k?

    Hi, I'm also wondering with that thing about satelite in w2k... but i'm totally new with satelite. Ok, you need a pc-card, satelitereceiver thingie ... and what's up with receiving tv channels? is that possible when using that pccard thing?
  4. Bigegg

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    ok, I admit.. linux is very flexible, maybe TOO flexible, takes a lot of time. o well, who knows what the future will bring butt, w2k is a step in the good direction. when i think back to my w98 time i think... Why haven't I throw that piece of crap trough the window?? seeya
  5. Bigegg

    DNS server

    ok, thanks... i'm using the pro.. how much mem does the server version takes up? the same ammount or more then prof w2k? system: celeron 266@400 256 mb sdram
  6. Bigegg

    DNS server

    Somebody know how to set up a DNS server with win2k??
  7. Bigegg

    Creative Webcam 3 Poor image quality.

    Same too me, only i've got a logitech cam but it's the same story. Good image quality in win98, bad in w2k.. still waiting for final drivers...
  8. Bigegg

    Does it support Direct3D ???

    by the way, i'm using the voodoo3 beta drivers.. and directx 8 beta
  9. Bigegg

    Does it support Direct3D ???

    Since I installed I've got some problems with games that are using Direct3D and DXDIAG now says i don't have direct3d hardware acceleration.....? Is this the same story as with Tribes???
  10. Bigegg

    New MIRO PCTV drivers

    radx, THANKS! hmmm, i had never the idea to check out those filenames :)lol ow well, thanks again. Now I can still using english drivers/prog instead of my own language, dutch.. or something else.. ow man, why portugese on an english site.. miro products are fine by me, except the support sucks.
  11. Bigegg

    After installing Beta V3 Drivers for Win2k....

    yup, these new drivers work great to me!!! running smooth, good image quality, good tools )
  12. Bigegg

    New MIRO PCTV drivers

    Well, miro finally released a patch that will solve the Hibernate problem... but, there is another problem... they are releasing the patch in several languages, accept english. i don't get it at all. I looked in the UK site, only a portugese (?????) update... what are they doing...??
  13. Bigegg


    hmmm.. you're right.. channel isn't very populair..
  14. Bigegg


    HI there.. I know, this question/suggestion isn't hardware related but i'm wondering if there is a IRC channel for NT Compatible guys ... maybe we can set up one... ideas?
  15. Bigegg

    Leaked win2k voodoo3 betas

    i'm downloading now but it's a pain in the ass... slow as hell... 0,50 kb/s so if someone can upload these drivers too me..