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Everything posted by FrogMaster

  1. FrogMaster

    World Trade Center is gone

    My condoleances to the American people. I am very sad tonight. My friends, be assured that we never forget what America has done for our freedom. I cannot find the words... God bless America.
  2. FrogMaster

    Detonators 21.81!

    It seems improvement is similar to the one we saw long ago between the 5.xx and 6.xx series. - Quake 3: +10 to +12% faster and very smooth in all circumstances - 3dmark2000: roughly +500 points - 3dmark2001: crashes to desktop when starting dragotic high detail scene - UT: no change really noticeable in d3d, maybe a little bit smoother; opengl is ugly with very heavy banding and saturated colors, looking like running in 256 colors (that old UT engine!) VGLMark: confirms Q3 results, 10/12% faster, gorgeous display. Well, a little goodie for free better ogl, who would complain?
  3. FrogMaster

    Upgrading to SMP

    Good morning everybody! I am planning to move my main box from an ASUS CUV4X to an ABIT VP6. My question is : will it be possible to change kernel from mono to bi-processor through the system properties - changing driver -? I did this in the past without any prob with BP6 boards. I do not know whether it would work with a VP6. By the way, the CUV4X and VP6 are both Via-based, so most components are the same. As my current setup is very stable and I have alot of apps installed I would not like at all to have to reinstall the whole mess! Regards
  4. FrogMaster

    Upgrading to SMP

    Yes, makes sense to remove all drivers before swapping boards. At least you need not track all these hidden device drivers that stay around.
  5. FrogMaster

    Elsa Detonator Drivers 14.61

    Installed them a couple of days ago on my hacked Hercules pro to Gloria III. Run fine and take coolbits. All my games seem to be happy. Did not check TV-Out yet. No apparent performance increase or decrease. Probably plain good stable set.
  6. FrogMaster

    Upgrading to SMP

    Thanks I'll try first without reinstalling... I feel a little bit lazy at the moment. On the other hand full reinstall would be a good opportunity to get rid of some old stuff and rearrange all the partitions. I may follow your advice 2cpu.com is a good site as bp6.com used to be.
  7. FrogMaster

    Male / Female ratio

    Most women are too smart to waste their time with computers.
  8. FrogMaster

    Need cheap CD Burner...suggestions

    Lite-On is cheap and very good stuff. They are one of the biggest suppliers to OEMs. You can find their peripherals (CDs, Burners, LCD screens)packed with a lot of branded pcs. They sell only a very small part of their production to end-users under their own brand.
  9. FrogMaster

    Upgrading to SMP

    Thanks! I thought it would work. I feel better
  10. FrogMaster

    Need clarification on Win2k registry

    Regedit32 seems way more powerful than Regedit. Whith admin rights you can access and make changes to all the security keys in the registry. I never screwed my registry using Regedit. I did screwed it twice with Regedit32 trying to play around with security protections. It was a bad idea. Advice : resist the temptation and don't use it if you don't know what you are doing. It is like having two tool boxes to mess around with a car's engine. Basic stuff for Joe Smith - me - for week-end hobby and professional tool-suite for the tuning expert
  11. FrogMaster

    3D Files Board Closed

    I think they were going straight into the wall because of too many threads going out of control. Some individuals or groups and communities could have found many reasons to take legal action against them. I have seen some posts by irresponsible kiddies and elder *ssholes which were really offending. They took the right decision. I guess they will reopen the forum after they have found a way to better filter registration. There was a similar case one month and a half ago in Australia (the overclockers australia forums). They were forced to close under legal action. They have reopened recently with much stronger procedures and rules. Regards
  12. FrogMaster

    3D Files Board Closed

    Who cares? Frankly speaking, 3dFiles forum was one of the crappiest and childiest place around the net. Just my opinion. I understand some people may have liked it.
  13. Does the set up works at 10Mbps? You may want to try to change the advanced properties of your Nic cards. First, try 10Mbps half duplex, then 10Mbps full duplex, then 100Mbps half and then 100Mbps full duplex. You will see when the link stalls. One hundred Mbps can be tricky to get with cheapo nics and cable. Worth trying anyway.
  14. FrogMaster

    problems with UT

    I have always had performance problem with UT under W2K, either in D3D or OpenGl modes as compared with Glide. OK, the UT engine is native Glide. As UT is still my preferred game, I put a Voodoo 5 5500 pci card as secondary display into my system. These cards are very cheap at the moment (around 100 bucks brand new or much less if second hand). Glide is very fast, even with hardware fsaa on, and the quality is very good. Faster and better than D3D or Ogl. A secondary very good side-effect is that doing so, I have a nice dual-display system. If you are an UT addict, you may want to consider this solution. Well, Glide is dead but the investment is worth the very good payback as far as UT is concerned.
  15. FrogMaster

    Just for grins, where is everyone "calling" from?

    Paris, France ... ... but I work for a company whose European HQ is in Brussels (Belgium) ... ... my boss is in Switzerland ... ... my team is scattered among a dozen countries ... ... my main customers are in the US ... Who am I ??????
  16. FrogMaster

    Is this forum dead?

    Yeah, I've been away for a while - new job and the like ... but this is the serious place. W2K is so stable and supported that no problem seem to be without a solution. Oh, well ...
  17. FrogMaster

    SP2 Official release

    Yes, and it's great. Got rid of sp1 bugs & headhache. And fast & smooth
  18. FrogMaster

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    I uninstalled following state of the art procedures (files, regkeys, safe mode, whatever ...) to no avail
  19. FrogMaster

    no d3d acceleration

    Same thing for me with different system but VIA-based thu. DX8+7.17 and no more agp, no more hardware acceleration! All 3d apps freeze the system. I uninstalled carefully (all the standard procedure, safe mode, delete files, delete regkeys and the like) and reinstalled 6.47 to no avail. I'm stuck
  20. FrogMaster

    no d3d acceleration

    Which mobo?
  21. FrogMaster

    Old Motherboard Information & BIOS

    Catery ?!??!!? Can you post more details and a pix of the board somewhere? Seems to be a distributor's brand. Maybe a pix will help identify...
  22. FrogMaster

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    Arrrgh! DX8+7.17 = no more agp ... I'm screwed. Went back to 6.47 but agp still not there Time to format?
  23. FrogMaster

    Chemical Brothers

    Oh yeah! Give me that Fender, grab that Gibson and pump up the volume ... that's nirvana
  24. FrogMaster

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    I do agree someone_nt, but at least Americans drive on the right side of the road. What about the Brits? Don't worry about the ballot in the US, OLEerror. They are all old sl*ts down in south Florida. No balls down there... I travelled alot in the US, Texas rulz!
  25. FrogMaster

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Nous avons le "^" juste pour rendre la vie plus compliquée à ceux qui veulent apprendre le Français. C'est un privilège de parler cette langue. Cela se mérite monseigneur...