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About synchro

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  1. synchro

    VOODOO 3 and Mpegs screw up screen???

    Yea I have tried many things, and it is not on one system with only one setting it is on many with lots of different settings, so it is not color depth or resolution
  2. synchro

    VOODOO 3 and Mpegs screw up screen???

    The Desktop setting does not matter I am at 1024x768 32 bit color
  3. OK I know that is a bad topic, but here is the problem. I have a voodoo3 2000 and I am using the latest drivers. This is how you recreate the problem if you have a voodoo 3. Get in to Unreal Tournament play for a min or two, doesn't really matter. Exit out and open up an Mpeg file with windows media player. I thought this was just in windows 2000, but I did get it to happen in window 95c... I have three totally separte machines from 3 different people that this happens to. Anyone else experience this, or know how to fix it or what the deal is??? Thanks for your time My System Celeron 500 128M pc100 Voodoo 3 2000 AGP Windows 2000 Pro
  4. synchro

    Anyone have Ideas???

    that post is refering to my post from yesterday which is below
  5. synchro

    Anyone have Ideas???

    Can I get info from anyone on this 1.....
  6. synchro


    OHH yea i forgot to say the reason i disabled the ACPI was because it made everything run on IRQ 9.. so now I have the IRQ's all sorted out... Except that my IDE controller is the same as my Nic. Could that be a problem????
  7. synchro


    OK here is the deal. I am running win2k pro a celeron 400, 64 megs of ram (Ouch I know), Viper 770, Vortex 1 Sound card. I have disabled the APIC and my computer still is not acting right. Unreal Tourny will not run I get memory errors, and quake 3 is deadly slow. In normal windows when ever I access a program my MP3's skipp and blurr up. Now I thought it was memeory untill I got a 233 O/C'd to 266 running win2k to run unreal perfect with out the memory problems. OHh yea with 64 EDo ram too. So I need sugestions What is causing the computer to studder, and why does it seem to be using so much more ram then it should. Any help would be great. I have all the latest drivers and Bios's so it is something else. please Email me with any suggestions