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About Flimber

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  1. Flimber

    IRQ questions answered

    But why/how does my W2K installation on a BP6 allocate IRQ's above 15 ? Mike. [This message has been edited by Flimber (edited 03 February 2001).]
  2. Flimber

    Iomega Buz Drive

    The 1.2 drivers are available from Iomega themselves (oh, yes they are) but 1.3 (alpha) drivers were leaked just before the Buz was discontinued on the Windows platform - http://www.angelfire.com/mb/mediazone/images/Buz13a3.zip See this page too - I can send you ISO's of both the supplied original CD's from a boxed Buz, they'll fit onto a single disk and you can them reburn or use Winimage* to unpack and install straight from your hard drive. You'll have to say "please" though. Mike. *Comes with a massive recommendation from me, this app does.
  3. Flimber

    W2K runs really slowly

    Try ye olde take-everything-out-one-by-one and-see-what-happens trick. Uninstalling stuff in device manager as you go. My latest build is slow and I've just noticed that I've got cards using bonkers IRQ's (31, 36, 40 & 128) and I'm wondering how the hell that happened. This could be my problem and I'm going to see if I can get eveything within the standard 15 (without sharing) to see if it helps. Check your IRQ's too: is your embedded controller sharing resources with the add-in card ? Dissociate them and see if it helps. And, FFS, was dual channel U/W not enough for you (!).
  4. My desktop shortcuts and icons think that they can do whatever they want. I want to tell them that they can't once and for all, but how ? My Taskbar is along the top of the screen (where all sensible people have it) and the icons move whatever my screen resolution. Whenever they disappear a quick flick of the refresh shortcut from the desktop right-click menu brings them back but puts them top right, where I don't want them. When they're not hiding they've just moved back top-right anyway, even if I left them all along the lower edge of the screen. It's all a bit intermittent though and so I haven't noticed any patterns or possible causes. This occurs with three different graphics cards in W2K (no SP1). Ideas ?
  5. Flimber

    Bootdisk for win2000 pro final!!

    Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to upload the following files somewhere - CDBOOT1.IMG CDBOOT2.IMG CDBOOT3.IMG CDBOOT4.IMG MAKEBOOT.EXE MAKEBT32.EXE