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John Woods

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Everything posted by John Woods

  1. John Woods

    Be honest now!!!

    I live in Thailand so that should be the answer....Every piece of software (with upgrades of course) costs $2 US...
  2. John Woods

    Problem with Halflife, G400 and Windows 2000

    No you didn't. I meant I have the exact same problem! Let me know if you find out anything.. jwoods34@yahoo.com
  3. John Woods

    Problem with Halflife, G400 and Windows 2000

    Exact same problem. Posted 2 weeks or so ago but no conclusions yet
  4. John Woods

    SBLive Drivers for Win2k...The new ones.

    The files have to be renamed. I did same thing last night. They look something like this: lwdis2.lib..lib dump the extra lib and 2 periods. should look something like this:lwdis2.lib Can't believe they didn't check this oon a test download..
  5. John Woods

    Powerdesk 3.03

    Anyone using this with no crashes? ACDS3.0 also crashes even though web site says W2000 ok...