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Everything posted by Dredd

  1. Dredd

    Very slow network neighborhood

    How do I set one of the computers to be a WINS Server to keep the Master Browser settings? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  2. Dredd

    Very slow network neighborhood

    Its very annoying that it is sooo slow. This OS is for a network environment yet runs sooo slow. Not sure if it is having problems with the Master Browser on the network but I wouldn't know how to fix that anyways. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  3. I am getting cable internet access in two weeks and needed to know what items I would need for it. First up my house has 3 computers right now, maybe more in the future. One is a server, and the others are workstations. I was planning on having the cable run off the server but should I use a router then use a switch or what? And should I have some sort of firewall up to protect ourselves. I have also heard that the internet service changes our ip's for us every week. Please any suggestions will help greatly! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  4. Dredd

    New System: Need Advice!

    I am thinking of building a new system to replace my old Slot1 based P3 500. I am not sure if I should go with the KT133A chipset or if I should go with i815 chipset. I was really looking into getting a new 1Ghz T-Bird but wanted to have some feedback on what board to get and stability is key here. I am not a big overclocker so stabiltiy is key to me but with plenty of options. I was thinking of Abit's KT7A-RAID. Please post feedback so I know where to go. Thanks, ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  5. Anyone have a clue how to add Linux to my already existing Windows 2000 boot up menu. I don't want to use Lilo or other boot up menu's, but I am not sure how to do so. I plan on running Mandrake Linux. Any advise would help! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  6. Dredd

    Adding Linux to Win2k Boot Menu

    Thanks I will go ahead and just use Grub then since I don't want to risk screwing up my other OS's. Thanks again, ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  7. Dredd

    SCSI DVD w/ Win2k

    Does anyone know of a good SCSI DVD player that has drivers for Windows 2000? And what is the better software to run the DVD's? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  8. Dredd

    Network user access

    Is the drive NTFS or FAT32? If NTFS, you need to also set up the Security on the drive. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  9. Dredd

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    I have this share that I have had up for months now, and it is not working now. I am on a school's network sharing my MP3 drive with someone else. The share keeps telling me access is denied. I have checked to make sure the user is added and the share is correct. That other person can access other shares just not this MP3 share. What can keep giving blocking them from accessing this drive? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  10. Dredd

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    Well I played with it more and more. Removed the shares account and the permissions. Added them back in. And what do you know it began to work. I really appreciate all the help from everyone!! Thanks again, this message board always fixes my problems. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  11. Has anyone else seen this problem with the new IE 5.5 SP1. When I click in IE to download a file, my computer loses most of its resources and slow me to almost a halt. Once the download is complete, then I am back to normal. This happens on both my WinME and Win2k PC's. Any ideas? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  12. Dredd

    Win2k Shares, Need Help

    NTFS Permissions are set up for the user too. I asked administrator and we are still set up same as before. Still can't figure out how some shares work on folders but this share of an entire MP3 drive does not work??? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  13. For some odd reason, Adaptec's Easy CD Creator 4.02a Deluxe will not install on my PC that's running IE 5.5SP1. It says I have the wrong version of IE. If anyone knows a fix please let me know! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  14. Dredd

    NEED HELP with WIN2K in Workgroups

    I will go ahead and try NetBEUI and see how that works. Not sure how the school's network will react to that. I have totally closed BlackICE on both PC's and still I am having the same problem. What really gets me is that I was running this same setup last week with BlackICE and had no problems what-so-ever. I do believe something in that Event Viewer message about Computer Browser is the problem but I don't totally understand what the message is telling me to do. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  15. Dredd

    NEED HELP with WIN2K in Workgroups

    And here are some of the errors I am getting in Event Viewer First off my PC: 1.) "The browser was unable to retrieve a list of servers from the browser master \\MONICA on the network \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{35BA8100-BE28-4E08-B32E-4BF81C4BE0E7}. The data is the error code." 2.)"The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{35BA8100-BE28-4E08-B32E-4BF81C4BE0E7}. The backup browser is stopping." And my girlfriends PC has the same errors. Hope this helps some. Confusing to me! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  16. Dredd

    NEED HELP with WIN2K in Workgroups

    Yes both PC's are running Windows 2k Pro. With the command prompt I got "System Error 53 has occured" and "network path not found". And when I tried to view thru Network Neighborhood I get "network path not found". Hmmmm we both use BlackIce Defender. But I have been using that for weeks with no problems. And when I shut it down I still get the same errors. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  17. Dredd

    NEED HELP with WIN2K in Workgroups

    Well I tried the idea you guys had and it worked for me to connect to her shares but when she tries to connect to my shares it tells me the network path is not found. What else can I do????? ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  18. Dredd

    NEED HELP with WIN2K in Workgroups

    Well I use pcAnywhere to work on my girlfriend's PC and that works fine. So we are able to ping each other and use pcAnywhere but not thru Network Neighborhood. I don't get it! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  19. Dredd

    Win2k on AX59 Pro???

    I am having a serious problem with my Aopen Ax59 Pro board with Win2k. I get all the files copied over and when it reboots I get the same error every time. ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt. I check to see if it is there in DOS and it is. I have tried different CD's, different HD's, but always the same error. Any ideas? I recently flashed my BIOS to the newest release and with that I lost 128 MB of my RAM. It will only see the SDRAM not the EDO at all. Please help I am stuck!! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  20. Dredd

    Win2k on AX59 Pro???

    Thanks I will try that this weekend when I have some free time. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  21. Dredd

    Fade Effect in Win2k

    Does anyone know how to turn off that fade effect in Windows 2000. Such as your Program Files or your Favorites. I can't stand how it hides the ones you don't visit often.
  22. I was just wondering if anyone has tried the newly released Hollywood Plus Win2k drivers with Creative Labs Dxr3 for their DVD 6x. I tried CL's beta drivers but I don't get any audio. Otherwise they do work. Any ideas would be great! ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com
  23. Dredd

    Slow Network Neighborhood

    Just a quick question. I have 4 Windows 2000 pc's on a network. One Server and the rest are Pro. When I click on Network Neighborhood it freezes for a second before it will bring up the other computers. It does this on all the computers. I am using both NetBEUI and TCP/IP as the protocals. What causes it to take so long to bring the computers on the network up on my network screen? -Dredd
  24. Dredd

    Win2k SP1 update?

    Any news on SP1 being out this Thursday? I heard that it might but I haven't heard anything on it lately. -Dredd ------------------
  25. Dredd

    Win2k SP1 update?

    I know it is frustrating that it takes them so long. I would like to get SP1 before I go off to school again this fall so I save the time from download all the individual patches. ------------------ Dredd Webmaster of DreddNews http://www.dreddnews.com