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Everything posted by DemiSlayer

  1. anyone have and recomendations i have been looking at asus a7v that has the ata-100 and amd thunder bird support also should i get amd thunderbird over intel copermine ?
  2. DemiSlayer

    Motherboard for asus geforce 2

    ok so i bought this asus p3v4x motherboard about a month ago and upgraded my video from viper 2 to asus geforce 2 and it all went down hill from there horrible frame rates crappy stability weird anomilys i have updated all drivers i get same probs in win2k and win98 the viper II blew the geforce 2 away on this setup ... so what motherboard should i buy to get the the best performance out of this video card the cpu i have now is a katmai 600 i want 4x agp and sidebanding do i have to downgrade to bx133 someone please help me thnx
  3. DemiSlayer

    Ultima 9 won't work

    ok i have ultima 9 that i bought about 3 months ago haven't been able to play it yet but in win2k when i try to start the game it says "please insert the correct cdrom " i have tryed everything from cack pathces to refromating and reinstalling win2k i have a p3 550 diamond viper II sbLive adaptec 2940uw
  4. DemiSlayer

    Ultima 9 won't work

    ihave a pioneer cd rom drive and a smart and friendly cdr-w drive
  5. ok i am trying to find a 4x agp dual proccessor slot1 motherboard with no scsi or video or anything like that and prefable be able to do a 1/2 agp cpu bus i am hoping to buy this in the next week