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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob


    Just wondering what the general concensus of SP1 is with you lot. I dl'ed it when it first came out, but I read a lot of bad reports. Now, I feel the time has come for me to install it. From your experiences, is it best to install it straight away afetr an install, or is it ok just to install it over what you have. What are the advantages of using it? What games / apps does it break? Thanks for your attention. Yak --
  2. yakkob

    ICQ crashes

    lol "snicker"
  3. yakkob

    Half Life + Win2k = Black Screen

    Stick this line after your shortcut > - console e.g. C:\Sierra\Halflife\HL.exe - console that will enable console.
  4. yakkob


    I tried installing GS 3D in Win95 compatibilty, to no avail ;(
  5. yakkob


    Gamespy3D did not work, alas I did not try to install it in compatibilty mode (Wish I had now ). BUT.. Gamespy Arcade works flawlessly. Yak --
  6. yakkob

    GeForce's conflict with Win2k & AMD

    I think you ought to leave the nvidia det drivers out of it, and install CREATIVE ones. I had this issue with a TNT2 card. When I used the manufacturers drivers, the problem was resolved. Yak --
  7. yakkob

    Delta force 2 and some help please!!!

    You want to cheat too? Thats the reason I gave up on CS b4 they fixed the proxy bug. Cheating just ruins games. Just leave the server and tell everyone to leave too, so he can play with 'him'self. Nuff said.
  8. yakkob

    Blank screen in counter-stirke 1.0

    I haven't had that problem The only thing I did was to dl the full CS 0.7, then patched to CS 0.71 then I patched to CS 1.0. If you have time, I recommend dl;ing the whole new version, and not patching it. This, I know, used to work with previous betas. GL Yak --
  9. yakkob

    Slow IE in BETA1 ??

    Are you sure its not just your connection to the internet? IE runs fine on this build 2296 Pro.
  10. yakkob

    AGP 4x...The mystery..

    install powerstrip and enable it that way. www.entechtaiwan.com
  11. yakkob

    Whistler and forcing agp 1x

    Hope someone can help me here. I got Whistler installed, and I must say, its very very nice. Alas, powerstrip is not compatible with it And, for me to use my geforce 2 gts, I have to force it to agp 1x (which I do in Win98se/W2k with powerstrip). Does anyone know any agp utils that are compatible with Whistler? Or maybe a reg hack? mobo = bp6 dual 433 celly's (not oc'ed) The GEF is an nvidia reference card. Any help will be gr8ly appreciated, as I can't wait to play q3 with dx8 and all the stability of whistler behind it. Cheers Yak --
  12. yakkob

    Whistler and forcing agp 1x

    OK, heres the fix > Install powerstrip, but press 'cancel' when it asks to check for compatibility. You can then start powerstrip whenever you want and it runs just like it does in w98 or w2k. Cool_as
  13. yakkob

    Whistler Beta 1 and svchost.exe

    Cheers SHS, That is well cool
  14. yakkob

    Whistler Beta 1 and svchost.exe

    Does whistler have cd-r burning capabilities? If so..where? Please Yak --
  15. yakkob

    Dual Gighz p3's

    My m8 is running the Tyan tiger 133, which supports 1ghz P3's. Alas he is having some trouble with compatibility with the gefs. All other cards except for them Which is a shame, well sort of, he sent me his gef coz it wouldn't work in his, which was jolly decent of him
  16. yakkob

    Whistler - New Thread

    Hey Ronin, How big is the install? i.e. what size partition is sufficient for Whistler.
  17. yakkob

    Modem thing

    Or just leave it on?
  18. yakkob

    Eternal quesiton: UT or Q3

    I have tried Q3F, but IMO, pales in comparison to WFA. If you think the SG's are cool in Q3F, you really need to check them in WFA. The Engineer, has a grapplehook, therefore enabling him to stick the sg's virtually anywhere. You even have alarms that you set up, to warn of incoming. The next beta will also enable you to postion cameras, at arious strategic points so your team-mates can check them. And don't forget the FLying Recon. Oh, and I don't work for WFA or have anything to do with them, but credit where credits due. It's a fantastic mod. Sorry for going on Yak --
  19. yakkob

    Eternal quesiton: UT or Q3

    Your wait might be over sooner than you think. I personally cannot wait for Q3-Team-Arena, the Official Add-on from Id. The new textures and backdrops look amazing, and of course, the all important essential > Bots and teamplay. Yak --
  20. yakkob

    Geforce still locking up

    Use PowerStrip from www.entechtaiwan.com and set your agp to 1x. That is what solved the prob on my bp6. Yak --
  21. yakkob

    Download RealMedia

    Can't you just right click the link and 'save-as' ? Yak --
  22. yakkob

    Eternal quesiton: UT or Q3

    Hi Bursar, I bought both games. UT is a better ONE-Player game. Q3 is better for online play. For MODS, I recommend Q3 too. SF (StrikeForce) MOD on UT, suffers gr8ly with lag and the engine it has to run on. Whereas MODS like WFA (Weapons Factory Arena) for Q3 run superb. Urban Terror is in process for Q3 too, but the version I tried was nowhere near complete. If you liked TFC, you will love WFA http://www.captured.com/weaponsfactory/quake3 I think the above URL is right, I am doing it from memory (@ work at the mo, and 'GAMES' sites are blocked ) Another thing.. After I reimaged my machine this time, I didn't reinstall UT, I just put Q3 back on. Maybe that means something HEh, I do miss the 'FACING WORLDS' CTF Map in one player tho. Might have to reinstall it when I get home. ;-) Yak --
  23. yakkob

    UT ate my free space?! Help!

    The SP1 download is 80mb. I don't know hiw big it decompresses to, as I haven't installed it.
  24. yakkob

    Win2k monitor detection/install?

    Have you tried the 'Add New Hardware Wizard'? I shall have a look when I get home. Currently still at work..Grrr, stuck on NT4. /me is doing too many hours here ;(
  25. yakkob

    Geforce MX and AGP2X

    Download Powerstrip from www.entechtaiwan.com and select agp2x manually from 'Windows Details'. My BP6 is s'posed to support agp2x, but I can only get it running in agp1x. PowerStrip sussed it for me. Good Luck Yak --