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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob

    SCSI drivers? Cant find mine!

    Anyone else, want to have a go? I can't really help any more, as I personally haven't installed or used ME. Dualbooting with w98 was a breeze. Install win98 install w2k done. I am sorry I can't be more help.
  2. yakkob

    SCSI drivers? Cant find mine!

    Let me get this straight. You already have ME and W2k installed? Or.. You have installed ME, and are trying to install W2k? W2k, is very funny about installing from a scsi cdrom drive (it won't let you for some reason). You have to install it from a normal cdrom. Or am I barking up the wrong tree. You will have to be more specific. Another thing, most peeps i know who have tried ME and reverted back to Win98se, as its too incompatible.
  3. yakkob

    SCSI drivers? Cant find mine!

    If you are using W2k, it should find and install the scsi drivers ok by itself. (I think) Whats the prob?
  4. yakkob

    why does my gfx card work in tnt2?!!?!?

    Aah Bless him, I can almost see him clicking his heels as he runs down the street. Doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart when you see a happy chappie sorted out. This is one GR8 FORUM ! (and site) Yak --
  5. yakkob

    Celery 2 rocks!

    Hehe, What a lovely ending. But I still state that the C64 was better than the speccy. Although I did love Atic Atac ;-) Yak --
  6. yakkob

    w2k, smp, geforce = PAIN!?

    Not sure m8, You sure you haven't got your refresh rates too high on your monitor? Knock the refresh rate down, and see if it still does it. Other than that, you can do a search on the forum for 'refresh', I think someone else had this problem. GL Yak --
  7. yakkob

    Heavy Metall - FAKK2: Can't find cd!!!

    Urgh, Glad I haven't had that prob. Sounds way messy, for my LARGE soldering iron. ;-) Yak --
  8. yakkob

    Heavy Metall - FAKK2: Can't find cd!!!

    I got the BP6 too. Whats the prob you were having with it?
  9. yakkob

    w2k, smp, geforce = PAIN!?

    REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\System] "ReqAGPRate"=dword:00000001 Paste the above into notepad, and call it agp1x.reg (or anything you want .reg) Then merge it with registry. If that don't work, do what greggy suggested and install PowerStrip, and force it to agp1x.
  10. yakkob

    Midtown Madness 2 & Win2k

    Same Problem no Fiz ;(
  11. yakkob

    CS and W2k problem...Help!!

    Ok, Don't rub it in. At least i apologised, and didn't just ignore it. Hehe ;-) Yak --
  12. yakkob

    Heavy Metall - FAKK2: Can't find cd!!!

    Did you buy it? It sounds to me if you dl'ed it off the net, and haven't got the right name for the cd-image ISO. I could be wrong of course. [This message has been edited by yakkob (edited 23 October 2000).]
  13. yakkob


    There is a util called CoolDesk, which enables this nice little gimmick. It also allows you up to 9 virtual desktops, which is excellent when you are working in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, mIRC etc, you just stick one on each desktop, and flip between them without cluttering everything up. http://www.shelltoys.com Try it out, you will have to register after 30 days tho, if you decide to keep it.
  14. yakkob

    CS and W2k problem...Help!!

    Oh my word, what a nonce I now look...lol Ahem..My deepest apologies, and now I think I am gonnna find a deep hole to crawl into.. /me hangs his head in shame.
  15. yakkob

    Celery 2 rocks!

    I hear what you are saying, but the KB on the C64 was vastly superior to the rubbery speccy one.
  16. yakkob

    Celery 2 rocks!

    Might aswell join in ;-) I used to have an AMD K6 III/450 for 6 mnths, yes 6 mnths, thats all. I had 3 different gigabyte GA5AX mobos, and 2 different cpu's, as they were so unstable. I couldn't even install Win98 on it without it hanging. Itwas all down to the internal cache. If I disabled it, it would install win98 and run for about 5 days, b4 crashing again, needing a total reinstall. I never got to try W2k on it, but I think you will agree that it would have been fruitless. I then went for the BP6 and 2 cellys. Never ever had a prob, with installing anything. No crashes, just oure PC fun without a hitch. I will go with Intel every time, as AMD has left a bitter taste in my mouth. BTW, I sold the AMD and Gigabyte to a m8 of mine (he knew about the probs), and he has swapped it twice since. And guess what.. Still unstable as Fook. Right, lets start on about the C64 and Speccy Yak --
  17. yakkob

    Need Suggestions on 3D card For W2K

    Don't touch it m8, very poor card. Either go for a 3DFX which will take no installing and is stable in a hell of a lot of machines. Or go for a GEF, and maybe have a tinker seting it up. Seems pretty fussy on some mobos. I had to enable agp 1x on my BP6 to get it to work Still sh1thot tho oh yeah its a GEF II GTS. But any gef is cool.
  18. yakkob

    CS and W2k problem...Help!!

    heh..just winds me up when peeps post without reading ;-)
  19. yakkob

    how do i activate 4X AGP?

    PowerStrip is an excellent utility, and lets you change from 1x,2x and 4x, if your mobo supports it.
  20. yakkob

    CS and W2k problem...Help!!

    No **** Sherlock ! So am I Doh!
  21. Does it speed up when you disable Active Desktop? It is a very resource-hungry waste of time, that is unless you 'need' it. As far as themes go, goto run > themes. There aint any there, but I am sure a huntaround the net might bring up something. Never looked myself. The less interactive mods the better if you know what I mean. If you are going to run 'nicelooky' things you are gonna have to be prepared for a performance drop in other areas. BTW, how much RAm have you installed? Yak --
  22. yakkob

    CS and W2k problem...Help!!

    Your best bet is to install Hl again. Download the FULL patch of CS..not the update, and also patch up to TFC1.5 (of course) This problem is sometimes caused by up[censored] the patch of cs. I know its a big dl, but it will cure your problem methinks. Happy dl'ing. Yak --
  23. Trust Creative to get drivers out for a card that is no way gonna be as popular as the SBLIVE. Where are they putting their time and commitment? Tell you what, lets not listen to the public, and lets act like that C**T Tony Blair and do what we want to do. Because hey, we are in control not the public who fund us with their monies (or vote us into power) by buying our products. So lets do what we want. /me ends rant.
  24. yakkob

    ABIT BP6 Dual PIIIProcessor. Any hints?

    try this url > http://bp6.gamesquad.net Someone on there should be able to help you. Yak --
  25. yakkob


    I don't know if this will help, but you sometimes get the black screen you are on about, when you set the refresh rate too high for your monitor. I would check that your monitor is specified correctly in the properties. If there is not a match for your monitor try the plug and play monitor. Failing that, get hold of powerstrip, to help you set your monitor up. Of course, I could be barking up the wrong tree so to speak ;( Yak --