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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob

    DUN Woes

    Hi Slewis, I don't have a solution I am sorry to say, but just letting peeps know that I have the handshaking problem when trying to connect to claranet. All the other ISP's I use are fine. Sometimes takes me 20 mins of redialling to connect, sometimes goes straight in. It's a bladdy pain coz I pay £30 / mnth for 80 hrs Freetime. I posted about this problem ages ago, but never received a reply. I also phoned Claranet about it, and received the reply, 'I'm sorry, I have never seen Windows2000'. Gr8. This was a while ago I must admit, and it was RC3, so I let them off. Please someone answer this with a solution or a constructive response. I just answered Slewis to let him know he aint the only one, and that his W2k install aint b0rked Thats all from me (for now). Yak --
  2. yakkob

    How to dual boot w2k and win98se?

    Ai, I installed in W2k pro. Keep getting the message (can't remember exactly) 'Not NT Supported' or something along those lines. I even tried installing it in W98se and then mapping a shortcut form W2k, which you can do with HL and a few other apps etc. But to no avail ;( If you have a solution, I would be glad to hear it, and to try it out. Cheers Yak --
  3. yakkob

    Hidden & Dangerous

    Heh... My bro had the same prob in W98se, never mind W2k..He just took it back to the shop. I don't know if its picky about mobo's, cpu configs etc.. He has AMD k62 450, 64mb RAM, V3 2000, SB PCI128. It just doesn't like some machines, which is a shame, because I wanted to play it too
  4. yakkob

    How to dual boot w2k and win98se?

    Yes, it can be cluttered, but I reimage every 4 mnths or so. It's like having a full service ;-) Highly recommended. I haven't noticed any performance hits using this method. But, I honestly think the time has come to ditch W98se and just use W2k, as I haven't booted up into Win98se for months and months now. It just means that conflict freespace and carmageddon2 will just sit on my shelf collecting dust Starlancer makes up for one of them tho..hehe. Yak --
  5. yakkob

    How to dual boot w2k and win98se?

    Eddie, Why 'not' put both OS's on the same partition. Just wondering.. I used to have separate partitions, for each OS, but now, I just install onto the same one. Is there a disadvantage to this? Cheers Yak --
  6. yakkob

    SB Live owners w/crackling: try this

    Ronin, I have told you already.. SHUT THE **** UP !
  7. yakkob

    PhoenixNet & Award BIOS

    Can you be more cryptic please ;-)
  8. yakkob

    Diamond Viper II Z200

    Hi all, I acquired the above vid card. Thought I'd swap it out for my V3 3000. So i dl'ed the latest drivers for W2k, but it just hangs on installing them. Also, the drivers are s'posed to be microsoft cert, but i get the msg saying they are not! Anyone else have this card? If so, what drivers did you use to get tit working...The cd that comes with the card is useless, as it is not for W2k OS. I have tried numerous ways of installing the damn things and am now at the end of my tether..Looks like I am gonna have to put the V33000 back in Bugger.. Please help Nice one Yak --
  9. yakkob

    Diamond Viper II Z200

    hehe.. nice 1. Still haven't gotround to doing the full reinstall, still awaiting the SP1 b4 i do that. I'll keep you posted. BTW, what ver of w2k are you using? I am using the rc3, but have since bought the retail, which I will install soon as SP1 (again) arrives. Cheers
  10. yakkob

    Diamond Viper II Z200

    Cheers m8, I was thinking of reinstalling w2k to try and solve it.. I'll let you know how i get on when i do.. Cheers for the post (all of them ) heheh
  11. yakkob

    Diamond Viper II Z200

    Cheers m8, I was thinking of reinstalling w2k to try and solve it.. I'll let you know how i get on when i do.. Cheers for the post (all of them ) heheh
  12. yakkob

    Elegant SMP/SBLive! crackling EAX Solution!

    Hoobladdyray for ronin and his superspecced machine that he keeps displaying.. I have forgotten how many times you have said that 'your' sblive works..Well, in case you hadn't noticed, we all fuggin know now, so shut the **** up.. Unlike you, many peeps are having a problem, so if you have got a solution..Spit it out..If not..SHUT IT! OK? FFS
  13. yakkob

    Locks up with Deus EX and Ground Control :(

    FYI these 2 games work fine on my system under w2k. To disable hardware sound call up a run prompt, and enter:- dxdiag You will then have the option under SOUND to disable hardware acceleration. I have diabled hardware sound 'ingame', as the LW3 drivers suck. My hardware acceleration in dxdiag is set to 75%. Hope this sheds some light Yak --
  14. yakkob

    Graphics Cards.

    Has anyone managed to install a Diamond Viper II z2000.. If so...how the bladdy hell did you do it. Frustrated Yak --
  15. yakkob

    New Liveware, same old problems

    It aint the mobo, my m8 has same system as me, and he has no crackling or popping. The only difference is this: - He has isdn on PCI slot Network card on PCI slot He has geforce gts2 64 mb ddr Elsa BUT..He has SBLIVE Platinum, whereas mine is Player 1024
  16. yakkob

    New Liveware, same old problems

    All peeps with problems using LW3 and SMP systems, goto the creative newsgroups (linked off the SBLIVE.com site) and post your system specs.. Hopefully Creative can peruse these and make head or tail of what is going on. There is a thread already started.. I can't tell you what it is coz I am at work (no access to newsgroups ) Good Luck Yak --
  17. yakkob


    Why can't I open the LW3 topic? FFS
  18. yakkob

    New Liveware, same old problems

    My yamaha8424sz is on my internal scsi card. You mean I should, I should disable it every time I wanna play a game !!!!!!!!!
  19. yakkob

    New Liveware, same old problems

    Same here.. Deus EX and Motocross madness II get awful popping sounds and weird **** happening.. Bummer Abit bp6 dual 433's qq - beta bios
  20. yakkob

    Choppy sound in games !

    Well, have dl'ed the latest offering from Creative (LW3 - in case you didn't know), hoping it would stop all the stupid sounds and feedback I get in motocross madness II, Deus Ex, etc.. Well, it doesn't, I am starting to think it may be the soundcard. SBLive PLayer 1024. Anyone else get this annoying feature? It sounds sometimes as if the sound is trying to catch up with the game. Sys Spec. BP6 with dual celly's 433 Sblive player 1024 V3 3000 384 MB ram etc etc Any pointers or clues appreciated. Cheers
  21. yakkob


    Can you go post your **** somewhere else.. This is a legal site and it don't need tainting by your presence... ;(
  22. yakkob

    Windows ME versus Win2k?

    You seem to be missing the point, Jdulmage or whatever your name is.. W2k supports dual processors, whereas WME does not.
  23. yakkob

    Soundblaster Live

    LIVEWARE 2K came on the cd with the card? 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) Surely you jest me !
  24. yakkob

    Soundblaster Live

    I have the SBLive 1024 installed. The original drivers are ok (at best).. I would really recommend dl'ing the liveware 2k..Superb sound, altho they are only 75% complete.. New FINAL drivers should be just around the corner...Yeah RIGHT ! Anyways, I think the 1024 is probably the cheapest of the bunch and FYI works mighty fine. Hope this is of some assistance
  25. yakkob

    BP6 - Win2k - Halflife

    BTW Rorek... What bios are you using for your BP6? I am using the qq-beta bios. Go to www.bp6.com for updates and news concerning your motherboard ;-)