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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob

    BP6 - Win2k - Halflife

    BTW Rorek... What bios are you using for your BP6? I am using the qq-beta bios. Go to www.bp6.com for updates and news concerning your motherboard ;-)
  2. yakkob

    BP6 - Win2k - Halflife

    I have the V3 3000 in mine and I run HL in opengl...muns like a dream.. I am using the new V33000 drivers from www.3dfx.com
  3. yakkob

    BP6 - Win2k - Halflife

    Is it just happening with HL? or does it happen with other games? I have same mobo but 433's and everything runs fine. On bootup, does it say cpu 400 , 2 processors? I would check your settings in the cpusoft menu in bios. There is another topic listed somewhere on this msgboard that may be related.. aah..here it is..Check this out. "Games run too fast in Win2k" Might help
  4. yakkob

    Halflife & Win2k

    Have you updated your drivers for ALL your components? graphics card modem sound card etc...
  5. Heh. I had to turn EAX off in HL because the sound was 'terrible' after installing LiveWare2k. Keep willing Liveware3 out.. Should be mid June _hopefully_
  6. yakkob

    Shogo Freezes - wont run

    Might help if you posted your machine specs so that it gives some guidelines for peeps to even start helping you.
  7. yakkob


    You should have made a backup of your Sierra Directory first. Then 'patched' one of them to 1.5 just so you could check the differences LOCALLY. You will not be able to join servers who have not had the Server Side patch of All the servers are still using, because ain't released yet. So you have 2 options, either wait until the patch is official. Or reinstall HL, if you can't wait (prolly a week away). Heh..
  8. yakkob


    Ai... Sorry...My mistake.. Doh!
  9. yakkob

    performance in w2k

    I noticed a big jump in performance on UT by moving from 128 to 256 and then even more to 384. Thing is..UT runs like a dog on quite a few machines. The engine aint as good as the Q3 one by a long chalk. But as they say... You can never have enough RAM ;-)
  10. yakkob


    I think you will find the new patch is 1.5 actually.
  11. yakkob

    Anyone get soldier of fortune to work?

    I got SOF demo working.. SYSTEM = BP6 with 2 celly's V3 3000 I used the latest drivers off the 3DFX site.
  12. When I try to connect to my ISP (Claranet), it can take upwards of 15 redials to connect. If I connect to other ISP's (e.g. Freeserve), it connects first time. Claranet connects first time in Win98SE.. I think this is due to the Claranet phone number having 1690 in front of it (CLID). Anyone help with this bug? Cheers Yak --