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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob

    Noob needs some advice

    to just go for it.... Use a separate pc/hd if you can, so you don't hose your Windows OS. As for errors...if they happen, they happen..you just cross that bridge when you get to it. I am sure it will be fine anyways.. gl
  2. Yo Peeps, I decided to ressurect my old HP Vectra P166 And am at this moment instaling Mandrake 9.1 Beta RC2. So....I will let you know how it goes. It is taking a while on this old system..hehe Anyways...bedtime.
  3. yakkob

    I have taken the plunge...

    brilliant.. I have had a webserver up for a day.. Huzzah
  4. yakkob

    I have taken the plunge...

    System is running well....apart from the couple of hangs I have had (probably pushing the P166 a bit too hard).. What I am going to try next is to install apache (if it isn't already installed) set up a basic webpage set up some portforwarding on my router and see if I can get to it from outside :x One problem/annoyance I have encountered is the saving of my settings concerning my NIC. Reasons *I think* is because I changed my 10 NIC after the setup to a 10/100. And for whatever reason I have to manually enter my DNS IP into the settings each time. Not a showstopper I know, but annoying.
  5. yakkob

    I have taken the plunge...

    ok..had a problem. It seems that my onboard s3 trio is shagged. Just been up to work and managed to find an old PCI S3 Virge. Upgrading as we speak.. I must say, everything looks much tidier now. I was only getting 16 colours before. Mandrake looks very professinal on the install with a proper functioning SVGA card. heh Anyways..back to it.
  6. yakkob

    I have taken the plunge...

    Just done the first reboot, and received the message 'Operating system not found'...mint! Bios seems to be detecting my 30.7 gb HD as 8455 mb too..Oh Well. EDIT: Ahem..My bad... lol, forgot to enable the hd in bios, and it was still trying to boot off the cd first. /me skulks away..hehe
  7. yakkob

    My arcade control panel

    man, thats looking mint.. You have given me the urge to go on a ROM hunt too. Haven't done any emulation for a while now. Too busy playing Tribes 2 and just finished Splinter Cell (Very very cool game) Keep us updated Burs
  8. I use this, and it's excellent. http://www.mailwasher.net/ Plus, it's free (which is nice) Check out the features on it, and I am sure you will agree, that is very effective.
  9. yakkob

    Windows Media Player 9 - Encoding WMAs

    Improved probably looks and speed-wise, but it's only going to tell you what you can and can't do with your pc when the DRM patch comes down. I aint gonna install it. In fact I don't like the way things are progressing with PC's at the moment. You have all this processing power, excellent applications, etc, etc, that let you be creative and entertain you. BUT, soon, you aint gonna be able to do half of what you used to with the new 'breed' of pc and OS. DRM / Palladium are going to severly cripple peoples creativity. I may be a bit astray in some of my comments, but that's just what I get from reading between the lines. I just hope I am even 10% wrong.
  10. Care to let us know which Virus it was? please
  11. http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/w32avrila.html Quote: W32/Avril-A may also open up Microsoft Internet Explorer to www.avril-lavigne.com and display coloured ellipses in the middle of the screen. GL
  12. yakkob

    FileSystem You Use Poll

    Interesting POLL, but I think its gonna be a bit biased seeing as it is on a site set up for NT Based OS's (I read the thread from which this poll came from, and to see if peeps are using Win9x :x systems still, you need to put the poll on a non-specific site), interesting nonetheless though. I use NTFS on my 2 machines at home, XP Pro and XP Home. At work we use NTFS on NT, soon to be W2k later this year ( ). The floppy-drive is also an interesting point. I recently bought a new pc and this came without a floppy drive 8) . Aint a problem really, as you can make a bootable cd within nero to do bios flashes etc. I actually do my bios flashes within windows on my ASUS CUV4x-D board. Anyways, glad to see you all again. I haven't posted for ages, lots of things going on in RL etc. Hopefully I will be posting more. Cheers
  13. yakkob

    Ok best anti-virus for WinXP?

    I have been in contact with them for AV at our workplace. They are a very professional UK solely AV Company. Usually first out with AV Def's, and their Enterprise Manager is totally autmated. I have a trial of their software, and will let u know how I go on. Oh, and we would be licensed at home to use it too.
  14. yakkob


    to the forums sir. Long may you enjoy your stay. I have been around here a while now, but I don't know if I am classed as a regular by Da Posse. Although I do class myself as a regular. Heh..Time will tell.
  15. yakkob

    My arcade control panel

    Bursar man, its shaping up good. What I really really want is a sit-down star wars machine with the proper dual joystick control. Man, I loved that game! The speech, tie fighters and the death star trench got you, and just wouldn't let go. I remember climbing out after a game, and just feeling euphoric. Absolutely brilliant. Pic of the machine at the bottom of the page. > http://www.80salive.com/Articles/Miscellaneous/Arcades/default.asp Fantastic!
  16. Quote: Well, I tryed just about everything....all to no avail. So, I went to Best-Buy this morning and bought a PNY GF4 Ti4400....so all is good now. If only it was always that simple
  17. yakkob

    My favorite 80's Arcade game is going 3D!

    Quote: And on that subject, I'm actually building a full sized 4 player arcade cabinet It's going to house a PC running various emulators hooked up to a fairly large monitor. I have the electronic bits to interface the joysticks and buttons to the PC, and the sticks and buttons themselves should be arriving in a day or so Authentic 4 player Gauntlet and button mashing Street Fighter II will soon be mine!! :D:D Oh man.. That sounds cool_as...You gotta take a piccie of it when its done ar kid Sounds MINT!
  18. yakkob

    Well, this certainly qualifies as "Other"...

    Good Arrers (UK saying, I am sure you can work it out)
  19. Alec, do you have any other cooling in your case? It doesn't look like you have, therefore making your fans on the gef virtually useless, as you are just moving round the same air.
  20. yakkob

    New Site?

    It has grown on me, and its much cleaner and faster. Cool_as 8)
  21. yakkob

    New Forum

    Quote: dare i ask what the "feature" was? I think I have found it.. Its this ==--> :x (A brand new emoticon just for us) Woohoo..Nice 1 Phillip
  22. yakkob

    what do you recommend?

    /me makes note to use the word 'recommended' ....More :x
  23. yakkob

    what do you recommend?

    Quote: I'd go with the ASUS P4T533C or the Gigabyte GA-8IHXP and a 2.26GHZ P4. Get some good Samsung PC800 Rambus, or wait till the PC1066 comes out in like 2 weeks. Get a TI4600. Why oh why have you removed your sig Sapiens? This is one time its definately needed as you have just recommended what you have. Aint no better recommendation that using said recommended yourself...No?
  24. yakkob

    The new Apple Commercials

    Quote: Quote: and if u tell an apple person that he got the **it end of the stick he gets really mad. like u just called his mom names they are just bummed they got stuck with a apple They are a zealous lot, aren't they? Same with Linux folks, & same with Win32 folks (I used to be an AWFUL lot like that myself... bigtime!)... * To a degree I am still, but not as bad... I actually like & respect both Apple MacOS X & Linux with KDE 3.0 on it! (Especially, You cannot really knock Linux for coming as far as it has in a decade supported only by its following/followers who developed for it & what-not... pretty amazing socio-cultural phenomenon if you ask me! From what I have seen of MacOS X, I am pretty impressed to be quite honest... nice solid Unix based BSD core with a SUPER-NICE looking Aqua style interface to boot.) APK P.S.=> Oh, that commercial I mention above? It's an HP one... I just saw it here on WinTV32 no less... apk I don't care what any of you say... The Commodore 64 was considerably better than the Speccy 48k ;( ;(
  25. yakkob

    Whoah, shiny!!!!!

    but I miss the old look Hopefully it will grow on me..