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Everything posted by yakkob

  1. yakkob

    home network setup

    Server PC1 PC2 You cannot have 2 pcs on the same network with the same IP address.
  2. yakkob

    WELL, I will be leaving your forums...

    are you back then now Alec?
  3. yakkob


    Just turned on my pc at dinner...and I am getting that horrible crunching sound. Booted up with w98 floppy and did a scandisk /all /surface And, its failing on my G: Partition Can't even format the bladdy thing! Is there anyway I can force format this drive? Do you know of such a util? As a backup I ahve just ordered a MAxtor ata100 40gb (5400rpm) The old one is an IBM Deskstar 75GXP, and I am pi$$ed!
  4. yakkob


    Here's a couple of photos of Scot. And heres a couple of photos of Molly (my lady called her this). We3 should be picking her up next week (1st week of Jan). She had been found roaming the streets. CAn't wait
  5. yakkob


    the site has gone down
  6. yakkob

    error/what does it all mean

    Do you have EAX enabled? If so, disable it. It just seems as though there are a lot of eax entries in there my friend. Let me know how you go on.
  7. yakkob

    Need some nVidia Geforce web site

    specifically for Geforce card > Gef
  8. Hi Peeps, Does anyone have an original Windows 2000 Professional CD with key for sale?
  9. yakkob


    Well... My best m8 passed away yesterday. We had to put him to sleep. He didn't look ill, his coat was still shiny, and looked gr8, but the cancer had took hold, and yesterday morning, he couldn't get off our bed. We even had to feed him on there. We finally got him to follow us downstairs. I went to work, and then my lady phoned me at dinner to say he was looking distressed, I got home to find him just lying there, not bothered about anything. We then called a vet out (Good friend of mine I used to work for (I wanted to be a vet years ago)). Anyways, we buried him back at my mum's place, and we are deeply upset. After xmas we are gonna rescue another doby, and give another a gr8 home. My m8 (again)
  10. yakkob

    Need Opinion on Games

    on what you like to play. RTS? Simulation? FPS? Online or single? Sport? etc... Give us some more to go on, and I am sure you will get a list as long as your arm from the rest of the motley crew on this ere forum.. And let me be the first to welcome you.
  11. yakkob

    Will there be life after SP3?

    here to stay for quite a while yet. XP just doesn't feel as professional or stable or as fast to me. I like to describe it as the 'fisher price' version of W2k. All pretty colours for young minds to gurgle and google at. I think XP tried to take over too much too. W2k seems slicker with SMP than XP does. As you can probably guess, I love my W2k.
  12. yakkob

    Happy Birthday Clutch!!

    Happy Birthday Geezer.
  13. yakkob

    Wolfenstein Error!

    Quote: on start up it checks the system as a P3, not P4. Anybody else having this problem with 2000?? Yup, but my system doesn't crash.
  14. yakkob

    Help!! IRQ Conflicts! Please Help

    Your soundcard and tv card to different slots. Do NOT put your soundcard or TV card in the pci slot next to the agp slot as this shares irq's.
  15. yakkob


    Quote: The disks today have a lot longer life expectancy than they use to. Unless it is an IBM Deskstar 75GXP.. Grrrrr
  16. yakkob

    Ok this is wierd real wierd

    reinstall HL too? Or were you dual booting and HL was installed in another OS already and you were just remapping the shortcuts; hmmm, but thinking about it, when you remap a shortcut to another OS, it usually re-asks you for the key anyways. You will have to tell us exactly what you did etc. I am intrigued
  17. yakkob

    XP-What do you think of it now?

    W2k just seems more stable...thats all Oh yeah, tonight I am gonna see if carmageddon 2 works on my Wxp Home ver pc. /me crosses fingers.
  18. yakkob

    Dreamweaver 4 problems

    any kind of new desktop theme, i.e. windowsblinds, objectdesktop etc? If so, these can coause problems like this.
  19. yakkob

    Undelete program needed!!! 10Gb lost!!!

    East-Tec Disk Sanitizer does what you are after. Can't remeber the url at this moment. I suggest you do a search. Soz
  20. yakkob

    Winzip or winrar(which one is better)?

    Powearchiver, but now I use 'exclusively' Winace. Very fast, very powerful, and loads of right click options to files.
  21. yakkob

    WELL, I will be leaving your forums...

    Cya around m8y, I shall be here and there..
  22. yakkob

    Xmas and the 'Office'

    Heh.. Does anyone know if its safe to put tinsel on a monitor? Every peep is doing it at our place of work, and me being in the IT Dept, have been asked this very question. I don't believe it is very safe, but all I am getting back is BAH! Humbug. Hehe.. Anyone shed any positive light?
  23. Does anybody know if you can place the gpedit management console from XP Pro into XP Home?
  24. yakkob

    Geforce 3 question

    Check this out... http://www.icegameware.com/radeonvsgf3ti500.htm Gutting, I was really expecting ATI to pull their fingers out with this release.
  25. yakkob

    Geforce 3 question

    I have just had a Ti200 with my new pcm and am very pleased with it. The Ti200 is the new entry level Gef3, next one up is the standard gef3, and then you get the creme de la creme Ti500. I did a clean install of Q3 ran it at 1024x768x32 with full everything, vertex lighting, etc and achieved 140.5 fps. This is on a P4 1.6 (Ready built pc). I will do some higher res benchmarks when I get my new monitor I achieved 5657 on 3dmark2001. I am currently looking for a comparison chart IO read the other day with these 3 gef3's..I'll post it when I find it.