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Everything posted by lrs

  1. will it make a difference which one is used besides irq sharing and power management? will using either cause instability? larry
  2. lrs

    acpi pc vs standard pc

    i'm asking for someone who has a epox mvp3g5, win2k first installed as a standard pc and he had no problems, then he updated his bios reinstalled win2k and it installed as a acpi pc. after that he started to have problems with drakan and 3dmark 2000, the screen goes dark and then brightens and it loops. directx sound diag also loops. he installed it as a standard pc fixed all his problems and is worried about any problems using it as a standard pc. larry
  3. lrs


    just telling you what i read at their site, they said they would try for the 10th, but no guarantee. larry
  4. lrs


    it says on their site that they are working on them and will try to have them ready by the 10th. larry
  5. lrs

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    and now those games run? larry
  6. lrs

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    well i for one am interested, in any way to make my games run, even if it's something as off the wall as this. now i dual boot with win98 so the dos files are on my hdd, but a some of my still games won't install or run right. what you're saying to do is clean the hdd, install dos then win2k after right? and what games are you talking about? larry
  7. lrs

    Be honest now!!!

    bought the retail upgrade, got a deal. free zip drive but it's a parallel port, 10 free zip disks, plus a $70 rebate for owners of nt, at office max. larry
  8. lrs

    Gaming controllers under Win2k, what works?

    my microsoft sidewinder games pad works fine, i don't use the software, i just set it up the the control panel. larry
  9. lrs

    here's a strange problem

    i'm not 100% sure, but my computer might be locking up when the phone rings while i'm offline. i'll have to pay closer attention next time the phone rings. anybody else seen this? larry
  10. lrs

    win2k problems

    ok, i've got a couple of problems. one in the device manager irq steering is disabled and miniport is not found. i have a gigabyte 7ix mobo, had almost the same problem with win98 and found out i had to install using the /pj switch for acpi. what can i do for win2k? second problem i have a peer to peer network that works fine when using win98, with win2k on one machine neither one can see or ping each other, been over it a few times and still can't get it to work. third problem is with the lexmark 3200 printer can some one post or e-mail me the step by step directions about the hack? thanks, larry i'm using tcp\ip for the network and it's 10 base2 [This message has been edited by lrs (edited 15 March 2000).]