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About savedaday

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  1. savedaday

    WickedGL for Win2k

    Yup i installed the miniGL now i can run quake 3 w/o those sutterring. THanx for the direct link had problems earlier trying to get that file after goining thru registration. Quote: Originally posted by jazTec: Hey guys you can get a Win2k compatiable version of our favrite 3dfx GL fix . . .WickedGL . . . .just out and should work . . .here is a link to the file http://www.wicked3d.com/downloads/drivers/wickedgl/wgl_reg.exe you do not have to register anymore so download away. . . I am at work so I do not know if this will work yet, so if you try it please let us know. -ew
  2. savedaday


    GOOOD POINT!!!!!! still finding other threads funny lol lol..... Quote: Originally posted by DosFreak: I'm going to say something just to keep this funny lil' thread going. We all know that Windows needs a swap file and that if you let Windows manage the swap file that it will constantly shrink and grow. What some of us may not know is that even if you have 8m-768m of ram WINDOWS WILL STILL MAKE A SWAP FILE. Sure the swap file may be only a couple of megs but the swap file is still there. NOW I can see if you have an ungodly amount of memory and if you carefully monitor your swap file using swap file monitoring programs and if you notice that you almost never swap to the disk because of your ungodly amount of ram. Then what the hell stick that swap file on your RAM drive. Heck...if ya think about it it'll also be more secure, since your swap file will not be left behind for sneaks like me to snoop through.
  3. savedaday

    VIA Power Management and W2k

    Probably have to wait for an updated bios for ur m/b. I have a msi5184 vua mvp3 chipset too and my apci dont work too guess i have to wait for their new bios.
  4. savedaday

    tv tuner

    Whats the Aimslab web site. I got this card too, but cant access their web doesnt exist. I though the company died(busted) or something. QUOTE]Originally posted by bluevodka99: hi i read abt the Xtreme tv tuner (AIMS) setup .. but somehow i couldnt get it to work under win2k ... anybody got any idea? any suggestion ?
  5. savedaday

    Shutdown & ACPI

    Whats ur mobo u using? Quote: Originally posted by LoRdSpawn: hello.. when I try to shutdown win2k, my PC alwaysrestarts I saw i didn't have the choice to hibernate the PC is there a link between these 2 things? ...in win98 my system can hibernate & shutdown.. i have a ACPI bios and ACPI is enabled in win2k (as well as in win98 i guess). i would be glad if one o' you guys would gimme a solution. thankx.