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Everything posted by FKTOAST

  1. I am being serious when i say this but the easiest way to do it is to buy a hot swappable drive bay and swap hard drives. One with NT on it and the other with ME. Otherwise you need to install the OS's on different partitions and edit the NT boot loader and other files. Unless you like to dig in like me I suggest forgetting about it and swap hard drives. ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Can't Install ANYTHING!!

    You can either replace the MSVCRT.dll file or check this article out http://www.microsoft.com/TechNet/winnt/winntas/technote/migrate/mgapnt52.asp ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    How do i convert .doc to .pdf?

    In Acrobat 4.0 you can open word docs and convert them to PDF ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    is DDR RAM worth it?

    DDR ram is faster than any other ram out there but here is the catch. Right now, the only cards available with DDR ram have the NVIDIA chipset on them. The NVIDIA chipset which uses the Geforce or Geforce2 name out performs any other chipsets on the market as far as megatexels per second and memory clock speeds. I am one for performance. I like high performance technology. As a matter of fact I love high performance in about everything that I am involved in. One thing I have learned is performance and combatility and hand-in-hand and if you dont have 100% compatibility then your performance is worth nothing. This is how I feel about NVIDIA and how they only make there chipsets and not the cards so when manufacturers develop drivers for the NVIDIA chipset you end up with many different drivers that make your performance and compatibility go up and down depending on what driver version you are using and what game you are playing and what version of direct x you have installed and so on. 3DFX has there shit together. They may not have the fastest card on the market but it works with everything. There is a whole lot more support for it and certified drivers by 3DFX are few and far between because compatibility is so great. My advice is to go with the 4500 or 5500 and be happy with more SDRAM but less performance which is high in compatibility. Getting to the point about DDR ram. I think maybe down the road it will be worth it but right now, go with a quality product so you dont have to spend time installing a different driver for your video card because you want to play Quake III instead of Doom III (which will be coming out soon, from a friend at ID Software) because the 6.47 NVIDIA drivers work better on that particular game than the 7.17 NVIDIA drivers. Buy 3DFX ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    Both cards that you guys speak of are great, no, awesome sound cards each of which have there advantages. I am a performance freak. I want the best performance possible but if compatibility becomes an issue then performance drop a ton. I think the Sound Blaster Live! series sound card is going to be the most compatible for W2K and all applications, games, DVDs and sound editing for home users. ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Need some advice here

    There is a universal power standard that all ATX motherboards with either 2x AGP or 4x AGP ports have to follow. If you buy a motherboard and throw a video card in it and the card sucks all the power so the motherboard wont boot then you have a really really cheap motherboard or you didnt plug the video card all the way in. The only two retail video cards that I know of that will need more than this spec is the voodoo 5 6000 or the NV20 which will come with a plug that goes into a 110v wall socket. That's the bottom line. ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Someone said to make a power user account?

    Go to the control panel and choose the users and groups applet. Click add and then type the name if the user but leave the domain blank. Click next then choose standard user and click finish. You now have a power user setup so now you need to log off Admin and log on to that new user and play away! ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Networking and a DSL

    Since this is an internal DSL modem all you need is a lan card on both machines connected through a hub and either router software like Wingate or you should be able to specify an internal IP address for both PCs and on the one which has the modem just enable internet connection sharing. ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    Disable Scandisk Autoscan

    Click on start and then run and type "MSCONFIG" without the quotation marks. Click on the advanced button and then put a check mark next to disable scandisk after bad shutdown. This is true for windows 98 and I am almost 100% sure this is true for ME. ------------------ Frank A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

    How can computers see each other?

    Ahhhh! I get it. Easy, using your diagram I will use the names and IP address in my explanation. Make lancard 1's gateway which is lancard 2s ip address and then vice versa. so we would have: Lancard 1: IP - subnet - 255.?.?.? (whatever you have ) Gateway - Lancard 2: IP - subnet - 255.?.?.? Gateway - This should do it! Email me back if this doesnt work or if you just want to chat. Do you use any instant messengers and if so which ones? ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    How can computers see each other?

    I will help you setup your machines but I cant understand the way you have your computers setup on the lan. Please explain again. See if I got this right. You have a computer (A) with 2 lancards each setup with there own IP addresses. Then you have a computer ( with a lan card. When they are both hooked up to the switch you cant ping one or the other? If this is the case one thing you need to do is setup one of the lan cards on (A) with an internal IP address like and specify in Network properties that this card is the internal card. Ill give further explaination of this after you reply back. Second thing you need to do is unless you have setup DHCP then computer ( needs to have the IP address in the TCP/IP setting for the lan card set to This way both computer (A) and ( are on the same subnet which should be setup on both computer with I can also go into explaination of this upon reply. Do you have a cable modem, DSL, or T1 line? I am just trying to find out why you have two lan cards setup on computer (A). Talk to you soon. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    What is a Cisco router?

    Info on a CISCO router! There are PC routers and there are hardware routers. The difference is that yes a PC is like your home PC that runs router software but a harware router is a piece of harware that can be the size of a HUB or Switch or can be as big as your PC and even bigger. It has many functions on a network. You general home user function would be this: You have one DSL line, one cable modem, or one high speed internet access and you have multiple computers on a LAN or local area network. When you purchase one of these internet connections you usually get one IP address unless you specify more but usually just one. If you only have one IP address then only one computer can use that IP to get on the internet unless you use a router. What you would do is give the router the one IP address that the high speed internet service provider gave you and make it the gateway of the network. Gateway is basically what is means "the gateway to the internet" so to speak. A router can use DHCP which assigns IP address to everyone that is on the network so if TCP/IP (which is the protocol used to communicate on a Microsoft network) is configured so that the router is the gateway and the DHCP server and you tell TCP/IP to obtain an IP address automatically then the router will hand out IP address to all computers on the network and give them access to the internet using the one IP address the ISP gave you. Now for the backbone or corporate side of the world a router, in simple terms, is a crossroad on the internet and depending on where you want to go the router will find the quickest way possible to get you there using its constantly updated routing tables. I hope this helps. For more info or a better explanation, email me at fktoast@directlink.net ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    An article about IRQ9, PCI Steering, and ACPI

    I posted this on an earlier topic. See if this has some parrallels with the linked article above. (The original topic was about IRQ conflicts and IRQ 9.) The Golden rule needs to be applied here. If it ain't broke, Dont fix it! As for changing IRQs, dont worry about it. Windows 2000 was designed to use ACPI which throws all devices on the PCI bus onto a logical IRQ. This IRQ is number 9. IRQ 9 is considered logical because its the gateway for IRQs 11-15. This is why you will find most of your devices on irq 11 or so and that ACPI for IRQ steering on IRQ 9. You really dont want to mess with this. PLEASE DONT MESS WITH THIS. But like one of the other guys said you can turn off ACPI in your bios and you will use IRQ holder for PCI steering which will spread them out but you will see a major decrease in performance for like I said earlier, Windows 2000 was made to use ACPI so use it. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Error explore.exe invalid page fault.

    Hey Ven, on that error "explorer caused and invalid page in fault" is there a details button there? And if so what did explorer cuase an error in? Example: Explorer caused and invalid page fault in explorer.exe or Explorer caused and invalid page fault in (a bunch of registers) 120398123098123098123098123098123098123098 In module explorer.exe If this is the case then its time to reinstall. I was a L2 tech for Dell Fortune 500 company Support and there is no way that we could fnid to fix the issue. Good luck my friend! ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Setting DMA for drives in W2K

    Psychosword, There is a mixup and after I read everyones posts under ATAPI in Device manager in the primary or secondary contollers there is a setting but like I said this should have been done automatically by 2000. Sorry Psychosword for I thought you were speakng of the cdrom properties like in windows 98 which has the DMA setting there. Sorry! ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Setting DMA for drives in W2K

    Psychosword! You must not have Winodows 2000 installed on your nachine because there is no setting in device manager for DMA! Try Again ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Restoring a corrupt Hard drive partition table

    For all the coolest shareware products for Windows 2000, I go to www.informit.com and click on downloads for 2000. There are tons of cool shareware programs to try that may help you in a lot of areas of computer management and fix-it ultilities. Hope this helps if ONTRACK doesnt work. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified
  18. Anyone know how to manipulate the startup up group environment without editing the registry or using the startup folder in the programs list? Like win98 msconfig. This is driving me crazy.

    Restoring a corrupt Hard drive partition table

    You can download ONTRACK to try to recover the partition table but I doubt that it will recover everything. I hope there wasnt a lot of important data on there. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Need Help!! Primary Disk failures during boot-up

    If you are losing time then check the time in the bios. If the time in the bios is wrong as well then either its a bad CMOS battery or your RTC (real time clock) is bad and you need a new motherboard. That's the bottom line from what I have gathered. Try the battery and if that doesnt do it, use the warranty on the motherboard to get yourself an new one. If the RTC is bad there is now telling what else may fail after that, but I think the cmos battery will do the trick. 3.3V battery can be purchased at any computer store. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Very Disappointed....

    One thing you guys have to remember is that although the Geforce boasts God-like texturing speeds, performance all comes down to what drivers you are using (which with NVIDIA is always a hassle since they make the chipset and not the card) and compatibility with the graphics engine the game is using. Your system sounds really nice! I am not up to speed with the new Athlons but I have a K6-2 that rocks so I dont see why you are having any problems. 58 FPS is awesome as far as I am concerned. Drivers Resolution Color Depth GL or Open GL In-game display options These are some of the things that effect performance. Programs running in the background are also a factor. There is a program that I have that really does a good benchmark test on your graphics performance and although I am at work right now but I would be more than happy when I get home to email either a link to download it or my FTP site were you can also download it. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    My system restarts after giving Shutdown command.

    For the boot sector virus I hope that a virus scanner took care of that but to make sure I would boot with a windows 98 boot disk and at the A:\ type fdisk c:\ /mbr This will rewrite the bootsector and hopefully clean it fully. As for the monitor going off problem, does this happen while you are at the computer working? ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Need Help!! Primary Disk failures during boot-up

    The ribbon is the cable that goes from the hard drive to the motherboard or controller card, but I see that you said that you already reseated that. Is the problem random so that you can go into the system sometimes? If thats the case then I would backup all that i can and use your warranty to get a new hard drive. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    This will work, won't it?

    Get the switch! It will make life easier. Or you could be just like me and want to do it the hard way so yes your plan will work! ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

    Changing IRQs

    The Golden rule needs to be applied here. If it ain't broke, Dont fix it! As for changing IRQs, dont worry about it. Windows 2000 was designed to use ACPI which throws all devices on the PCI bus onto a logical IRQ. This IRQ is number 9. IRQ 9 is considered logical because its the gateway for IRQs 11-15. This is why you will find most of your devices on irq 11 or so and that ACPI for IRQ steering on IRQ 9. You really dont want to mess with this. PLEASE DONT MESS WITH THIS. But like one of the other guys said you can turn off ACPI in your bios and you will use IRQ holder for PCI steering which will spread them out but you will see a major decrease in performance for like I said earlier, Windows 2000 was made to use ACPI so use it. ------------------ Frank A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified